Aliexpress Jujingyang hid searchlight 220W ???


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 23, 2010
Bear Delaware
So I am looking at this Hid searchlight as its one of the only battery powered ones i could find thats bigger then the FF5. The rest are 12V dc only. This one as well as many others have multiple output options from 35W to as high as 220W. What i am trying to figure out is if these are BS or the actual power you will get. Just seams to good to be true. 220W would be ridiculous.

Alid express hid light by Alex Littig, on Flickr
I wouldn't want to be a guinea pig for what looks like a Chinese flea market website. It's filled with a lot of obviously cheap junk. I would assume that a real flashaholic promoter would find a credible way to bring their (likely exaggerated) "blockbuster" Xenon (not HID) searchlight to a credible location and subject it for reviews.

Over the years, there have been many spuriously represented lights promoted, and they depend on the average person not being able to measure or know about the actual output. Just the fact that this product has such a ridiculous set of choice wattage options immediately questions their credibility. Just think for a minute at the representation of 220W for $ lacks common sense.

When the Firefox FF3 & then FF4 came out, it had the presentation credibility from a respected member of this and another Flashlight forum, namely Lips that verified its performance. But then many people's battery carriers stopped working, and they were left with a dead HID light. Now with the FF5, there was some credibility from known earlier models, and the fact that Neil could get spare carriers for only $25, restored our willingness to drop the cash.

So in this example, if you are wealthy, and are willing to drop the money on a chance discovery, go for it...but there's too little credibility for my interest here. Also, there's not much more you are going to get beyond the 100W FF5 in terms of a useful performance.

Good Luck, Alex!
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You'd be far better off getting one of these Sanshin marine 120VAC anti-piracy metal halide searchlights. I have one and it's the real deal. Tremendous output. It's $250 well spent. I also have their 250 Watt and it is also the real deal if you can find one.

PDF data sheet

In-fact, it's all I can do to not hit the buy-it-now button. If one is good, two is better....
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I just shared this thread link with Neil, and he asked some of his local contacts, and this is a well known disreputable operation.
You'd be far better off getting one of these Sanshin marine 120VAC anti-piracy metal halide searchlights. I have one and it's the real deal. Tremendous output. It's $250 well spent. I also have their 250 Watt and it is also the real deal if you can find one.

In-fact, it's all I can do to not hit the buy-it-now button. If one is good, two is better....

Love the anti-piracy promotion! LOL! How the hell would you use that on a practical basis? Oh wait, you bought that WW-II searchlight on a trailer! LOL!

120V? You'd need a backpack AC generator !!!
I've never claimed to be practical!

BVH if you convert your farthest throwing car sized spotlight that you own to CD rating at 1 meter what kinda numbers are we talking here. Its been hard to grasp at how far they can throw a beam. They look like absolute laser beams
Technically, I think my Custom Made (by member Polarli) MCP 500 Watt (420 at the lamp) light was measured at 114,000,000 CP. It's a fantastic light. Lightweight and can run on 120VAC or any DC Voltage over 125. Touchscreen controlled, carbon fiber main tube. It's just a work of art. The 60" Carbon Arc when new, produced 800,000,000 CP but with 70-year old reflectors, I'd guess somewhere in the 500,000,000CP neighborhood.

Here's the thread on the Polarli MCP:
You'd be far better off getting one of these Sanshin marine 120VAC anti-piracy metal halide searchlights. I have one and it's the real deal. Tremendous output. It's $250 well spent. I also have their 250 Watt and it is also the real deal if you can find one.

PDF data sheet

In-fact, it's all I can do to not hit the buy-it-now button. If one is good, two is better....

Damn, its gone!
OK, I confess! There's one born every minute. I'm a sucker for HID and Short Arcs, I freely admit it. That's the first stage of recovery, right? But I've been admitting it since about 2007 when I got my first VSS-1 so I guess there's no hope for me.

If someone really wants it, I'd pass it along at my cost plus half of the shipping to your door. I paid $270.50 incl shipping and Ebay tax.

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