Alkaline battery leak. Is it dangerous?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 21, 2008
West Tn
I did a few quick searched here and with Google searching the whole internet.

My GF called and said she has a AA battery leaking on her bed. Said it was bubbling. The comforter and sheets are probably ruined but..

She is pregnant.

I know the dangers of Lithium batteries and inhaling some fumes. She said she couldn't smell anything but should there be an health issues?

Said she feels fine so far. I'm not worried about cleaning, I couldn't care less really.

I'm just having trouble finding the phrases: "OH MY GOD GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!" or "Meh, alkaline isn't like lithium, just don't eat it and all is well".


Crap, first time in the section of the forums and missed the whole dangerous batteries thread to post this.
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That one :thumbsup:

Just tell her to wash up well. If the bedding is washed fairly directly, they should be fine also.

First positive response I've probably ever seen from you Marduke :)

Thanks for the info.
Yeah, the acid in alkaline batteries is actually a base. So just wash up with vinegar and you should be totally fine, err she should be. If you clean it off quickly it won't damage the bedding badly at all, and can be neutralized and removed safely. I bet it stained the bedding badly though.

She over exaggerated. The "Device" (Guess real hard, and then laugh) was ruined. One battery leaked two drops on the bed. Very small. She had to point it out.

Threw the batteries away, washed by slight burning sensation off my hand, and then pulled the dried acid off the bed.

Tiny, tiny stain.

Thanks for the fast response. I told her if it was lithium just evacuate, quickly.
As a kid, I used to taste the stuff that leaked out of old Alkies. Dried up my tongue in less than a second. I turned out normal, more or less. Yeah, don't worry about it.
lol, more like a maglite without batteries.
a cpf'ers dream: a woman who uses a maglite as a "personal electric device".

As a kid, I used to taste the stuff that leaked out of old Alkies. Dried up my tongue in less than a second. I turned out normal, more or less. Yeah, don't worry about it.

What?!?!? That is one of the funniest things I've read, and no one responded!?!? lol Reminds me of the time in 5th grade I stood outside the nurses office, flicked a bee to sting me, and went right into the nurses office. She asked why I did it, and I said I wanted to know if I was allergic, BEFORE I went fishing in the woods. Made sense to me...

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