Alkaline percentage table


Dec 23, 2009
ON, Canada
I've just started to use Li-Ion.
There are a couple of tables around here showing percentage of useable charge left.
4.2 volts - 100%
4.1 volts - 90%
4.0 and on down to 3.6.
So now I'm wearing out my DMM :laughing:
Is there a comparable table for 1.5 volt alkalines? If so does it also apply to Lithiums?
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Re: Alkeline percentage table

Is there a comparable table for 1.5 volt alkelines?
(Note: it's alkaline, not alkeline.)

Yes, there is such a table for alkaline cells. But it's best to measure the voltage with a small load applied (e.g. a 20 ohm resistor). Some DMMs have a battery test function that is good for this.

Here is the table:
[B]Alkaline Cell[/B]
[U]Voltage[/U]  [U]Remaining capacity[/U]
1.6 V    100%
1.4 V     95%
1.3 V     85%
1.2 V     50%
1.1 V     20%
1.0 V     10%
0.9 V      0%

(Table based on a typical low rate discharge curve with intermittent device usage as given by battery manufacturers.)
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Re: Alkeline percentage table

under light loads on some devices you can use an alkaline all the way down to 1v or less, on heavy loads and on some devices when they hit 1.3v the device complains about low batteries and can even start acting up. On incan flashlights below 1.2v gets to be eyestraining with an orange beam vs yellowish white to white. In other words capacity left could be considered as "useful capacity left" to the particular device used.
do alkaline or lithium primaries behave the same?
and specifically what about 123 3v lithium? is there a table for it?
I did look but with no luck
thanks again