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Sold/Expired "All Edc's Completed" Mini P7 EDC 123 Keychain-Light Groupbuy? C/W-P7 And W/W-MC-E


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 19, 2008
Ambler P.A.
"All Edc's Completed" Mini P7 EDC 123 Keychain-Light Groupbuy? C/W-P7 And W/W-MC-E

The New Sales Thread can be found Here:

All Edc's are Completed and ready to ship out!
If you haven't paid allready, Please shoot me a
Message when you do so i can note it on the list.
I will be shipping the Paid ones out today :)
Here is a pic to drool over :)

Here are "Some" of my parts and stuffs sitting next to "Your"
Edc's :whistle: See you names on the bags? Thats You! :grin2:
I am finishing these little guys up this weekend, and start
shipping them out on monday :) So send in your Payments :poke: :thumbsup:

I will start another Thread for a 20pcs sale.
You can post in there when the time comes.
I will be taking deposits for the next batch though,
Because my expendable income is going towards
making the Chimera Mini and its bigger brother.

Parts Are Here!!! 12/6/08

Just to let all of you know..
I am still waiting on my parts to arrive.
Of course i am dealing with Deal Extreme here,
So all of you know that it takes awhile sometimes :crazy:
I "Should" Be receiving the parts by the first week
of December :mecry: I understand if some of you would
want to jump ship on this sale.. I won't have a problem
with it. Just PM me and let me know. But if you can be
patient, I will have these in your hands soon!

Hello CPF'ers

This thread is replacing the older one that a Cpf
member bought the "First" light from.

This is a groupbuy that will continue as long
as interest is there. I will probably keep a few
on hand most of the time, So PM me for Availabilty.

It is an MCU-C7 from DX that has an
MC-E Warmwhite Led Or a Cool White DSXPJ P7
Stuffed Inside. The Drive current is about
1300mA on high. Battery Current draw is 1400mA.
On a 0.4% output, which can be reached in the
3rd Programming Group, The Battery drain
on that is around 70mA, With about 50mA to the Led.
The driver has 5 modes arranged in 5 groups of
different configurations. Instructions are below.
Heat output on high is tolerable in your hand for
extended periods of time. The ceiling bounce was
done on low because extended times over 5 min
need a hand to dissapate heat. If you run the light
continuously with proper heat management,
Runtime will be about 20 minutes on High :candle:
The driver board can run from 0.9v-4.5v.
So make sure you use protected batteries if you don't
know how to tell when they are near the 2.5v deadline.
You can use Primaries and 3.0v Rechargables too :twothumbs

Now for some Glamour Shots::crackup:



^^10% Low Mode^^



^^10% Low Mode^^


The Prices and Options are as follows:

$95.00 For the Basic P7 Edc
$15.00 Add "Glow" to the tailcap> See Last Pic Above :rolleyes:
The Glow "Cannot" be turned off due to lack of space
for a switch, and anodizing on the tailcap threads.
$5.00 Set of 2 CR123 880mA Ultrafire Protected Batts
$10.00 Trustfire Lithium CR123-18650 Charger

Keychain Clips are free, but i only have a limited number
of them :whistle: They are permanently installed, but can
be removed with a set of tin-snips or diagonal cutters.
See the tailcap glow pic for a quick shot of the clip.

Conus Shipping is included on the Basic Edc purchase,
But will be extra for any additional items except for
adding just the batteries. The charger has a US Plug,
and can be swapped to a UK or similar by just pulling
out the US cord.

The "Pill" that houses the P7 and Driver has a thick
coating of Conductive Carbon-Infused Silicone Grease.
This helps with heat dissapation, and Power Connection.
Otherwise the Front, And Rear Tailcap/O-Rings have
regular Silicone Grease for lubrication. As do "All" of
my lights sold :naughty:

Everyone interested, please let me know so that i can
order the parts.. The leadtime is 2 weeks from the parts
order being placed. Deadline is Friday for a large order.
I have allready got numbers 1-10 covered for my order
this monday :poke: :thumbsup:

I will accept paypal payments now, But if you want to
wait till i get the parts and assemble the lights, that
is just fine with me :wave:

Paypal Addy: [email protected]

Orders over 100.00,please add the 4% fee
Sorry i forgot to add that in the beginning
Disreguard the Above Statement :thinking:
If you are buying just the Edc, and are in the
Conus Area, Don't worry about adding Fees :nana:
^^Disreguard the above statement ^^

If you want to buy Just the Edc Itself, There are NO
Extra fees even if you are using paypal Credit Cart Payment.
And there are No Shipping charges if Buying the Edc with Just the
Batteries and/or Glow.
If you want the Charger, Please Add 1.00 for shipping.
If the Order Totals 101.00 or more and you are using
A Credit Card with Paypal, please add the 4% :)
Debit Card/Bank Account Paypal, No Fees whatsoever if
shipped Conus.

By the way, for those that don't know, Conus = Continental U.S.

Also, You have a Choice of a Cool White P7 or a
Warm White MC-E Led.. Price stays the same..
Orders so far:

1 Black Bolt P7 Cool White w/glowcap Completed Shipped 12/17/08 Received 12/22/08
2 Joshvon MC-E 2.8ah 2-Mode Clicky Paid Completed Shipped 12/19/08 Received 12/22/08
3 Gary123 Warmwhite MC-E, Set of Batts Paid Completed Shipped 12/16/08 Received 12/18/08
4 Mcmc Warmwhite MC-E Paid Completed Shipped 12/16/08 Received 12/22/08
5 Bxstylez Warmwhite MC-E 2.8ah Direct Drive Completed Sold to Black Bolt (BXstylez did not return Pm's) Received 12/29/08
6 Hawkz Warmwhite MC-E, Glow, Batts, Keyclip Paid Completed Shipped 12/15/08 Received 12/18/08
7 Johnnymceldoo P7 Coolwhite Paid Completed Shipped 12/15/08 Received 12/17/08
8 Hamheart P7 Coolwhite With Glow Paid Completed Shipped 12/16/08 Received 12/20/08
9 Chew Socks Christmas Givaway Winner Warmwhite MC-E Gifted :) Completed Shipped 12/16/08 Received 12/18/08
10 Nfetterly MC-E Warmwhite, Glow, 2 Batts, Clippie Paid Completed Shipped 12/15/08 Received 12/17/08

Order Placed Nov 5th for 10 lights worth of parts :)
Should be less than 2 weeks for them to arrive,
and me to modify them to sell :)
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Re: Sales Thread for the Mini P7 EDC 123 Keychain Light

i'll take number three please many thanks DocD
busted by wife so i'm out for number 3 sorry:mecry:
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Re: Sales Thread for the Mini P7 EDC 123 Keychain Light

i'll take number three please many thanks DocD

You don't have to add the 4% fee because i forgot to
add the note about it before you ordered. :twothumbs
Re: Sales Thread for the Mini P7 EDC 123 Keychain Light

If ordered with the locater LED, is there a way that it can be turned off when necessary?
Re: Sales Thread for the Mini P7 EDC 123 Keychain Light

If ordered with the locater LED, is there a way that it can be turned off when necessary?

Unfortunately, No..:mecry:
The threads of the endcap are not anodized,
therefore you can't do a lockout to turn it off.
I am looking into installing a U.V. tritium behind
the cap for a continuous no-battery glow :poof:
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Re: Mini P7 EDC 123 Keychain Light: Groupbuy?

No more takers then? Ohh well..:thinking:
Re: Mini P7 EDC 123 Keychain Light: Groupbuy?

why use P7?
why not use xre mce?
save the reflector boring.

From the recent bins that are available,
the mce does not seem to have the same
output as the P7 at 1300mA..
If you have a chart for the mce, please
post it up :grin2:. If there is an advantage
to running an mce, then i will use it.
But reflector boring is not a problem for
me to do..
Re: Mini P7 EDC 123 Keychain Light: Groupbuy?

Is anyone else interested in these lights?
What if i used some MC-E Quad Die Led's?
I need to know very soon for my order placement.
Please let me know what you all want :poke: :thinking:

Re: Mini P7 EDC 123 Keychain Light: Groupbuy?

Is anyone else interested in these lights?
What if i used some MC-E Quad Die Led's?
I need to know very soon for my order placement.
Please let me know what you all want :poke: :thinking:


I bet you would sell them very fast if you used incan-tint (3000-4000K) MC-E LED.

A lot of people are very interested in buying warm-tinted LEDs lately, myself included.
Re: Mini P7 EDC 123 Keychain Light: Groupbuy?

Definitely interested! Been out of the loop on latest LEDs, didn't know that MC-E's had achieved incan warmth - if so, and if the beam can be made w/o donut/artifact w/ the MC-E, I'm very interested :) pm inbound w/ some further q's. Thanks!
Re: Mini P7 EDC 123 Keychain Light: Groupbuy?

Definitely interested! Been out of the loop on latest LEDs, didn't know that MC-E's had achieved incan warmth - if so, and if the beam can be made w/o donut/artifact w/ the MC-E, I'm very interested :) pm inbound w/ some further q's. Thanks!

Some sort of diffusion film on the front lens would smooth out the beam nicely.

Think "1-cell Surefire L4 wall-of-light."

Except WAY brighter. :twothumbs
Re: Mini P7 EDC 123 Keychain Light: Groupbuy?

I bet you would sell them very fast if you used incan-tint (3000-4000K) MC-E LED.

A lot of people are very interested in buying warm-tinted LEDs lately, myself included.

Definitely interested! Been out of the loop on latest LEDs, didn't know that MC-E's had achieved incan warmth - if so, and if the beam can be made w/o donut/artifact w/ the MC-E, I'm very interested :) pm inbound w/ some further q's. Thanks!

Some sort of diffusion film on the front lens would smooth out the beam nicely.

Think "1-cell Surefire L4 wall-of-light."

Except WAY brighter. :twothumbs

I am interested.

Wow!! I didn't know that the MC-E's garnered this
much interest!! Well, it looks like i will be trying to
find the person who sells these :grin2: Any ideas guys/gals?
I will be using my P7's for another project then.
And maybee these MC-E's will be making there way
into the Chimera EDC Project!!
Whoever sells these leds, please PM Me!
Re: Mini P7 EDC 123 Keychain Light: Groupbuy?

regarding the MC-E warm tint LED...

can we run the keychain light direct-drive off AW's new IMR-16340.. so that the LED is driven at full power (~2.8A-3.2A), at the expense of short burst, and 10-15 minutes runtime (which is fine by me, and others... as it'll be used to WOW friends/family of the EXTREME high output coming from a small package)

Re: Mini P7 EDC 123 Keychain Light: Groupbuy?

regarding the MC-E warm tint LED...

can we run the keychain light direct-drive off AW's new IMR-16340.. so that the LED is driven at full power (~2.8A-3.2A), at the expense of short burst, and 10-15 minutes runtime (which is fine by me, and others... as it'll be used to WOW friends/family of the EXTREME high output coming from a small package)


At 3 amps the runtime will likely be about 5 minutes or less, definitely not 15 minutes.

I'm pretty sure the OP wants to sell his current P7 lights before he goes on to a new project.