Alternate source for glass m@glite lenses. On the cheap!!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 20, 2005
Slaughter, WA
I think I found a place to get 2 inch circles of glass on the cheap for C and D M@glites.
From a local source no less (bought on eBay).
package of 12 "lenses"
50mm diamter ( a little on the small side I know)
1.8 - 2mm thick (perfect)
optical quality unknown but clear glass cut from a sheet should be pretty smooth.
All for about 50 cents each. I'll let you know how they work. Seller also has convex and concave lenses of all kinds 50mm thick. I might check those out too.
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Re: Alternate source for glass m@glite lenses. Maybe.

I don't know... I think the Maglite lens is 52.1mm, not 50mm. I dont think the bezel will consistantly retain a 50mm lens.
Re: Alternate source for glass m@glite lenses. Maybe.

It worked like a charm! I'm pretty happy. Shipping took all of a day (local source). I must say I didn't know if this would work but these lenses are a vast improvement over stock plastic lenses. I remember using these in science class in high school.

They are not flat like I imagined but are concave. This is important because they only want to go in one way; and will break if you tighten the bezel when they are upside-down. The glass is plenty strong if it's installed correctly with the concavity facing out (counter intuitive because it leaves less room for the bulb to move up and down on the cam but there's plenty of room in there) The concavity needs to face out because the curve of the glass rests against the aluminum of the bezel instead of the rubber o-ring; making it not waterproof and prone to cracking if tightened.

The lenses are indeed smaller by 2mm than the stock lens so centering over the o-ring is a challenge. I used sticky tack (used for hanging pictures and stuff) I actually use sticky tack for placing coin cell lights in strategic locations around my house (including in the breaker box) I'm such a clever guy. Anyway, once the bezel is centered and tightened down that lens is going nowhere. What a deal! $6 for 12 glass lenses for your M@glite.



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I love the look of the curved glass. I'd rather have this than a flat lens any day. It's just pretty.
How much was shipping? I used their shipping calculator and it said shipping was $3.20 ish when I wanted to order 1 lense. Shipping is more than the product...
I paid 2.60 shipping plus 4.25 for the auction to get twelve "watch glass 50mm" Thats what these are.

This is the ringy beam of a 2cell magled module with stock lens.

This is the beam after my curved watchglass installed.

so it does affect the beam pattern by bringing the rings closer to the hotspot.
interesting note, this is the refletor without a lens or bezel.

Where are the rings coming from anyway?
I wonder what it looks like with just the bezel and no lens...

clearly the biggest ring in the center is caused by the bezel because here's a shot with no bezel and no lens.

note how clean that looks. Darker spill hotter hotspot. More light is going forward.
Compare that to no bezel and my curved lens held up to the reflector concavity out.

lets curve the lens the other way.
lens installed backwards concavity in / convexity out(tighten the bezel and the lens will likely crack)

I wish I could install these concavity-in because it seems to discipate the rings a bit. It's still there, just not as defined.
My conclusions:
Unless you're a white wall hunter (I love this term by the way) you won't notice any difference in any of these variations in real life use. Having a lens to protect the reflector and emitter is a good idea. Scratches, pits, dust and debris are the worst enemies of light transmittance through a lens. Keep it clean and free of scratches by using a glass lens.
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I just ordered two more boxes that should come in a day or two. Is anyone interested in trying this out?
macforsale said:
Off topic, but you last picture is compelling.

I find the beamshot without lens and bezel interesting. Does the addition of the bezel change anything? I am thinking the inside edge of the bezel may add a reflection and ring. Some much has been said about the quality of the edge to edge beamshot of the Mag-Lite and pointing to the reflector as the source, only because the solution has been a replacement reflector with stippling or OP surface. Anti-reflective coating on a lens maybe have more importance than I realized. Thanks for taking the time to take beamshots.

First off, your observation is not off topic at all. I as the OP started it, and you have compelled me to finish it. I took more beamshots to demonstrate. The bezel is by far the biggest contributor to the rings with the lens a close second. The reflector has absolutely nothing to do with the rings in the beam but it doesn't do anything to stop them like a LOP or stipple would do. Secondly I leared that the curved glass affects the rings or rather makes some appear (so does the stock lens by the way) and that reversed, installed backwards, the ring adding effect is less noticeable. I'd say if you wanted to clean up your maglite beam, take the shine off the inside of your bezel and maybe install a glass lens like mine concavity in (somehow avioding cracking the glass). Thicker o-ring maybe.
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davenlei said:
How much are you charging shipped? I am interested depending on price.
My cost plus shipping and throw me a bone.
Argon said:
PM sent.

Should make a nice addition to the TLE-6EX i have on order, now i just need a new reflector.......
I don't think you need a new reflector at all. If you want a diffused beam you can always sputter it with hairspray.
I'll take a few of them... maybe four of them... just to compare to UCLs and a couple camera filters I've taken apart. Either flat or curved is fine with me... whatever you have on hand.

PM me your mailing address and I'll send $10 cash to you, but I don't do paypal.

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What a coincidence... I bought a bunch of 50mm bi-convex lenses for some projectors I plan to build from that seller. They were very fair with shipping and the price of the lenses was very good. The lenses themselves are decent quality, too; perfect for what I'm doing with them.
Great pics and luv the variations..
Would it be possible to try 2 lens together just to see what effect it has.

will these glass lens fit on the mini mag 2 aa cells ? also the stock plastic lens or the glass lens ,,which are better and why ? am looking for some glass myself