Amazing Video of brain scientist describing having a stroke

That is fantastic! It's well worth the eighteen minutes.

My wife had a stroke a few years ago. The battle she fought, and the time involved in assisting is nothing short of staggering. She was a fighter, and managed to overcome some serious setbacks. That video helps me to understand what it took for her to reach the state of wholeness she once again enjoys. Thanks very much!
That is fantastic! It's well worth the eighteen minutes.

My wife had a stroke a few years ago. The battle she fought, and the time involved in assisting is nothing short of staggering. She was a fighter, and managed to overcome some serious setbacks. That video helps me to understand what it took for her to reach the state of wholeness she once again enjoys. Thanks very much!
I'm sorry to hear about your wife's stroke, Empath. I'm also glad to hear she's recovered, and my hat is off to you for standing by her.

My dad had a devastating stroke, which ultimately took his life after years of struggling with the after-effects. I saw this version of the video, and must admit I was pretty shaken (to say the least) by Dr. Taylor's account.

Thanks for sharing, Lux. IMO, stroke is one of those "hidden killers" of our society. It's useful to raise awareness as to their causes, effects, and treatment.
Interesting, but nothing I have not experienced before during my younger, more experimental days with certain uncontrolled substances. We, or I? Both, though I tend to favor the leanings of the right hemisphere...
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