AmiLite T5 and TerraLUX K2 reviews -

Thanks for the reviews Doug. The Amilite looks even more awesome now! I must say though that the TerraLux K2 drop in really stinks! The 2AA MagLED completely outclasses it.


Do you think you could do a runtime test with the Amilite on the low output?
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thats ugly ,im a little shocked too as to how poor 5k2 performed
Ouch. I gave a MiniMag modded with a TLE-5K2 Ministar2 to a friend as a gift. Now I'm wishing I gave my friend a MiniMag LED instead. TerraLux seems to have goofed with this particular drop-in.
Thanks for more great reviews! :rock: I'm glad, because I was considering getting some new lights, both of those included. In the end, I got the Neo T5 and not the TLE-5K2. I hope it arrives next week. :popcorn: Does the K2 drop in seem brighter than the other Terralux drop ins?
I see now why TerraLux are replacing the K2's with SSC's. With less heat output the new dropin will probably beat or be on a par with the Magled. Hopefully you will have time to review this when it becomes available, along with the 3-6 cell dropin that is already out. Thanks.

Once again, well-done reviews. I'm quite happy with my modded HDS but that T5 looks AWESOME for a single cell light!

But man, that K2 module looks kinda sad. I realize that there is a world of differences between converter boards, but I'm at a loss as to how the 2xAA Minimag can have 50% more outut AND 50% longer runtimes. I mean, assuming the Mag converter is 80% effecient (which I would venture is already an optomistic estimate) then does that mean the K2 is only about 50% effecient?

That's just sad.

Is this because of heat issues maybe? I don't tend to think so because even then, the very initial brightness should be above that of the MagLED.
Thanks Doug.
Your reviews are, as usual, top notch. That Amlite is so tempting, but I'm stuck in a (illogical) boycott of reverse clicky switches for lights over ~$30. Your 5 stars isn't helping me much
Quickbeam said:

No battery rattle? Are you shaking it side to side or long ways? What batteries are you using?

What do you mean by "sealed up tight"? Screwed together tight? You can back off the tail switch a hair to extend the spring a bit further into the battery tube but you can't go too far or the tail won't seat properly onto the battery tube.

For a number of years, my main car light was a red 3D Mag that I ran 4 C cells in on the stock 4 cell Krypton cells. TRUST me, the spring makes the cells so tight length-wise that there is NO rattling when shaking in any direction. I didn't use any sort of spacer either.

I think you are underestimating the tension that spring puts on the 4 C cells.
cratz2 said:
For a number of years, my main car light was a red 3D Mag that I ran 4 C cells in on the stock 4 cell Krypton cells. TRUST me, the spring makes the cells so tight length-wise that there is NO rattling when shaking in any direction. I didn't use any sort of spacer either.

I think you are underestimating the tension that spring puts on the 4 C cells.

TRUST you? I trust myself and my hands and I'm not underestimating anything. I know how to screw a flashlight together and when my T5 is screwed together the battery rattles when you shake it side to side. As I mentioned, you can only get the spring so tight. It doesn't matter what cell is in there (protected, non-protected, primary). Do you have a T5?
Gannz said:
No battery rattle? Are you shaking it side to side or long ways? What batteries are you using?

What do you mean by "sealed up tight"? Screwed together tight? You can back off the tail switch a hair to extend the spring a bit further into the battery tube but you can't go too far or the tail won't seat properly onto the battery tube.

"What do you mean by "sealed up tight"? Screwed together tight? " Yes. That's it.

I don't notice any rattle unless I snap it back and forth. Battery rattle by my definition is rattle "during casual use and consistently". Shaking the snot out of it to see if i can get it to rattle would seem a bit like running a Civic down a dirt logging road to see if there was any noticable "road noise" in the passenger compartment...

To satisfy everyone I have removed the sentence in the review about battery rattle.

I never put much stock in getting all hyped up over minor battery rattle - It's just not a big deal. You can try wrapping a piece of celophane tape around the middle of the battery if it really bothers you.

I'm glad everyone (else) enjoys the reviews!

Doug P.
Quickbeam said:
Shaking the snot out of it to see if i can get it to rattle would seem a bit like running a Civic down a dirt logging road to see if there was any noticable "road noise" in the passenger compartment...
Hilarious imagery!

Thanks for the excellent review.

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