An overdue cheers to cpf management.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 9, 2004
DFW. TX. U.S.A. Earth
The forums are running extremely well as of late. :goodjob:
Plus the hard work involved. (more than I would have done anyways.) ;)
I let my little "3rd shift" forum go bye-bye due to the work involved in running a forum, lol! :eek:
Not only that, but for also lending a helping hand recently to when they needed it. :thumbsup:
Let's give everyone who keeps cpf up and running a big :clap:
Ah... "running extremely well"?
Am I the only one who keeps getting database errors and timeouts? It's been goin on for the past three days.
I was just noticing that too.
Yet, someone is definitely on the ball on this one from the moment it 1st happened.
Cheers again for that as well. :twothumbs

This place just :rock:
Ah... "running extremely well"?
Am I the only one who keeps getting database errors and timeouts? It's been goin on for the past three days.

no you're not the only one. still getting them quite a bit (this is the only website that i could find with this problem). started for me last Sat. or Sun. (can't remember, maybe even Fri. eve, but don't place too much stock in my memory of the start day).

comes in spurts, it seems. fine for a while and then DB errors with a logo - a problem on the CPF server end. occasionally, the site can't be found (server being rebooted perhaps??).