and what are you doing with your trit SPHERES?

apparently not many people are willing to reply here. I'm beginning to suspect that trit sphere owners simply have no idea what to do with their spheres next...

I think a lot of 'em just put them in mag heads or some other kind of casing and use it as an illumination tool. You know, "hey, look at this! it's tritium!"

I would only get vials. spheres might be a good source of tritium if you needed it for a science experiment, but I'd probably avoid it anyways. They say the decay particles emitted during the breakdown of tritium don't even have enough energy to make it through the dead layer of your skin. That's the layer that turns to white flakes/powder/mark when you scratch your skin with your fingernails.
I had a Luce and thought it a very nice piece, but didn't like the light coming from both ends. They don't put out much light to begin with and if you have light shining back towards your face it makes it hard to see in front.

Another thing I'd like to change about the Luce would be to have the back of it slimmer to make it easier to grip. I've been considering getting a C-cell Maglite or maybe something a little smaller to make a light out of it.
I don't own any spheres, but every time I see one, I want to hang it on a Christmas tree..

Those flip-open maplights look kinda cool, shame about all the wasted light though.
I had three of the maplights at one time and had them hanging from a bathroom cupboard for nightlight which bathed the room in a soft green glow.
A blue 11mm trit was used for the Surefire Trit torch I made a while back..



Maybe a spare TIR head is what I need to look for to put my sphere in... :tinfoil:

The combo above is a mix of an E2D bezel and an X200 head and collar with the trit stuck in the middle and a mini-mag reflector bored to fit the trit.
I'm sure you could find someone to make an "e-series plug" to fit the back of a head to make it easier than finding the parts I used.
I'll probably put it into some old flashlight I find, but I really like the way it looks glowing out the end like that.

I don't really mind just having it sitting on the nightstand, but having had a Luce de Notte with the small sphere really made me want to mount the one I've got into something for a bit more throw.