I must admit that I found Anduril quite challenging at first, but several YouTube videos and Ivan's site have helped me sort through it all.
Ivan's link https://ivanthinking.net/thoughts/anduril2-manual/
I have run into a barrier however, in that I can't get my lights to display the voltage while in lockout or standby. I can cycle through the modes/colors, but I can't get it to stop on voltage display.
Are there versions of Anduril 2 that do not have voltage display?
Ivan's link https://ivanthinking.net/thoughts/anduril2-manual/
I have run into a barrier however, in that I can't get my lights to display the voltage while in lockout or standby. I can cycle through the modes/colors, but I can't get it to stop on voltage display.
Are there versions of Anduril 2 that do not have voltage display?