My anodising kit arrived but I may have to start working with it before I get a bench power supply.
I've got a large 12v leisure battery (80Ah) and would like to use it instead of a bench supply. Can I just put a simple power resistor in series to achieve the desired current?
So say my light case is 20in sq. The guide says 100ma/in^2 for 1hr bath so I need 2A roughly.
R=V/I = 12.6/2 = 6.3Ohm (or as close as possible)
So can I just stick this resistance in series (on the positive side of the battery)?
I appreciate the current will drop slightly as the battery voltage drops but due to it's size it shouldn't too much.
many thanks,
I've got a large 12v leisure battery (80Ah) and would like to use it instead of a bench supply. Can I just put a simple power resistor in series to achieve the desired current?
So say my light case is 20in sq. The guide says 100ma/in^2 for 1hr bath so I need 2A roughly.
R=V/I = 12.6/2 = 6.3Ohm (or as close as possible)
So can I just stick this resistance in series (on the positive side of the battery)?
I appreciate the current will drop slightly as the battery voltage drops but due to it's size it shouldn't too much.
many thanks,