Another forest experience....


Jan 6, 2007
Just got home from the forrest again! Me and my pal went on a bike ride out in to the woods, drove in pitch black with just the headlights from our mc:s, on dust roads. Came to a lake where we stopped for a break, found some dry fire wood, so we thought we would make a fire. But the only problem was that I had forgotten to bring a lighter! Since we had our bikes and lights I thought that we must find some way to start a fire. Have a broken wire on my bike which I cut some pieces from, took apart my Fenix P2D and shorted the battery with the wire pieces, held the hot wire on a piece of paper and viola! FIRE! then lit another paper soaked in gasoline which we then fired up the fire wood with. I was a bit scared of shorting the lithium batt, after having seen what happens to them when shorted out or drained fully. Throwed it away and put a fresh one back in the light. Thought I would share my MacGyver moment with you guys! While I was prepping the fire starter and started the fire my friend was humming the theme from MacGyver... :D
Well it worked like a charm! Glad I had my light with me!

Sorry for eventually misspelling, the bike is parked in the garage, and Im now enjoying some alcoholic beverages.... cheers! :buddies:
The idea might have been a good one, but I can't really condone the littering. Since you mentioned gasoline, I'm going to assume that you were on a motorcycle or quad bike, in which case, you could've easily used the vehicle's battery to generate a spark to start the fire instead of wasting a 123.


I was a bit scared of shorting the lithium batt, after having seen what happens to them when shorted out or drained fully. Throwed it away and put a fresh one back in the light.
Just got home from the forrest again! Me and my pal went on a bike ride out in to the woods, drove in pitch black with just the headlights from our mc:s, on dust roads. Came to a lake where we stopped for a break, found some dry fire wood, so we thought we would make a fire. But the only problem was that I had forgotten to bring a lighter! Since we had our bikes and lights I thought that we must find some way to start a fire. Have a broken wire on my bike which I cut some pieces from, took apart my Fenix P2D and shorted the battery with the wire pieces, held the hot wire on a piece of paper and viola! FIRE! then lit another paper soaked in gasoline which we then fired up the fire wood with. I was a bit scared of shorting the lithium batt, after having seen what happens to them when shorted out or drained fully. Throwed it away and put a fresh one back in the light. Thought I would share my MacGyver moment with you guys! While I was prepping the fire starter and started the fire my friend was humming the theme from MacGyver... :D
Well it worked like a charm! Glad I had my light with me!

Sorry for eventually misspelling, the bike is parked in the garage, and Im now enjoying some alcoholic beverages.... cheers! :buddies:

Very nice. But it would be better if you could dispose of the battery in a more environmentally way. What will beautiful Sweden become if everyone just threw batteries away!
yep a motorcycle!

I agree of the disposal of the battery... :( didnt think before... it was kind of hot in the hand...
I'll be looking forward to the sequel where you return to the forrest to use your lights to locate your spent battery so you can pick it up and take it home with you. :)
Or we read about the forest fire that started there when it broke down and water got into the lithium ....
FlashSpyJ, I just knew someone was going to get you in trouble for "tossing" that battery. Oh well........

I was expecting heat from you for writing that... Thought about writing that I tossed in a recycle bin...

No I actually throwed it in the lake... I really dont know why, It hit me right after I had throwed it..."d*mn! that was the battery" I instantly regret it afterwards...

I was by the same lake yesterday to bbq some hotdogs with the same buddy and our GF:s. Thought of the battery laying in the lake... And about the duck swimming around in the lake... Hopfully it wont cause any harm to the animals...

Just before the sausages was ready I hear a "-D***mn!" from my friend, I asked him whats up...just to find out he had cut himself pritty bad in the finger (with my former edc knife I sold him). I didnt hear any complaints about me always being prepared with all the stuff I carry around, and in this case the First Aid kit. gave him a bandage before they drove to the hostpital, 2hours later he was on his way home with three stitches. No serious injury thankfully.
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