Any better light than the River Rock .5w 2AAA for $10 or less?


Nov 10, 2007
Fallon, NV
Is this the best and brightest we can get for $10? The River Rock 2AAA .5 watt from Target?

If the price is the same, what other lights are out there that are comparable or better?
I did wonder, so I did a search and River Rock 0.5W headlamps were all the rage. I don't think I know any 2xAAA torches.
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Don't buy it. The TC broke on mine within a couple days. You would be better off buying something in the 2aa format from DX.


No offense, but couldn't disagree with you more.

For the price, it can't be beat. I've owned 3 of them, and never had a single problem. The clip is surprisingly well-designed. Output for a 2AAA light is very nice. I gave one to my dad last year. He used it as his EDC. Still does, as far as I know. It used to be mine before I gifted it to him. I bought a shiny metal one to replace the black one I gave to my dad. That one works perfectly. Missed not having a black one, so I bought another one. No problems with any of those three.

I give that model.... :twothumbs
No offense, but couldn't disagree with you more.

For the price, it can't be beat. I've owned 3 of them, and never had a single problem. The clip is surprisingly well-designed. Output for a 2AAA light is very nice. I gave one to my dad last year. He used it as his EDC. Still does, as far as I know. It used to be mine before I gifted it to him. I bought a shiny metal one to replace the black one I gave to my dad. That one works perfectly. Missed not having a black one, so I bought another one. No problems with any of those three.

I give that model.... :twothumbs

None taken, and when I was new here I reccommended the 1aa black model the sell, and still do. That one is a great little light. The 2aaa twisty one was great for about a week and a half and then the twisty just died. Kind of Ironic that the twisty failed and the clikie is fine. I don't know how to fix it and it has been sitting for a while.

My opinion is it is a good light for the money. I carried one in my backpack for almost a year before giving it to the mother-in-law. She has used it for a year now (and frequently from what she says). It has worked fine.

There are better lights, but for the money I view it as a good deal. Target has a good return policy so low risk if it breaks within a few days of getting it.


Here is a review of it's 1xAAA counterpart:
..... exactly the same light, but with one AAA battery instead of 2.

I think this one is more in line with being its counterpart...for a 1AAA:

But I've also heard good things about the Streamlight.

I buy these 2AAA light for my inspectors at work...they are cheap, they last a little while, and they have a push button momentary on, what is what they like.

If I ever find another light that beats it for the money, I'll be all over it. That $10/ea price tag is the best part.
Between River Rock and Nuwai labels, and 1xAAA and 2xAAA models I've had 7 of these lights. My only complaint is the tint and beam on most of them is pretty poor but useable.
The best one I got by pure accident was the last one I ordered. It was an original model with the larger early-style tail button. The beam and tint is not far behind my Streamlight Stylus Pro, but that's certainly not the norm for this $10 or less model.
I really wish they would update the emitter. If the price went to $12 but it had the same emitter Streamlight is using, it would be a great light!
I gave one of those to my mom for christmas. I think the one thing it has going is run-time. She has been using that light off and on, through two power outages since christmas, and its still going strong on the original duracells. Its certainly not the brightest or whitest light... IMHO.

I have been using this $12 dorcy 3AAA as my EDC for a month, through one power outage and its pretty good for the $$$, in store. Not the brightest at ~20-25L, and its beam is not the smoothest. But its focusing head allows you to focus its output, and will throw a surprising distance. I can project an image of the nichia emitter on the wall... pretty wild. Its pretty efficient too, I go about a month between cells. I'm using 1000 mAh NIMH now, and so far its been fine. Its unregulated, so it'll run the cells all the way down if you want it too.

I think you should ask yourself how many lumens do you really need, and how much run-time are you willing to sacrifice to get it?
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I have to agree with Monochrome, for $10 (including batteries) there is simply no better AAA light, and one would be hard pressed (if they could which I doubt) to find any light for that price that is as good.

I have given away probably a dozen of these and EVERY single one is still working just fine. And we are talking some almost 2 years old and used constantly.

They are a great little flashlight. And they have a HUGE, read the dang HUGE advantage over any light you get from ANY online site, especially those that take weeks to get the flashlight to you.

IF they go bad, you can take it back and get a replacement at Target in just a few minutes. For light of the lower end quality that is a huge advantage. And I do love my DX C3, so I am not a basher of theirs.
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