Any feedback on AW IMR batteries


Newly Enlightened
Feb 3, 2009
I saw some AW IMR batteries (LiMN chemistry) on lighthound. Does anyone have any information on these? What battery charger would be recommended?
I don't think there would be tons of use for them in the LED market. They are good for way high currents, something that would be more in the realm of incans. They have less capacity so there would not be much of a use for them if you are only driving one cree LED because you would be better off with another chemistry that has more capacity.
I picked up 2 of the cr123 size IMR's with the intent of using them in a light with an MC-E or P7. Haven't landed on one yet.

The Ultrafire 139 charger works with them, but go to that link. Lots of questions answered there.
Welcome to CPF, fitzgjp.

We have a sub-forum for questions about Batteries, so I'll move your thread there.
What battery configuration would you recommend for the Malkoff P7 drop-in? 3xRCR123A? 2x18650?
What battery configuration would you recommend for the Malkoff P7 drop-in? 3xRCR123A? 2x18650?
The direct drive (no boost or buck circuit) P7 requires a single cell, and takes nearly 3 amps from a fresh cell. Anything smaller than a single 17670 and you have to go IMR, since at that point you'd be going beyond the 2C max discharge rate of standard LiIon chemistry. I've got a P7 running 1xIMR16340 and it works great, 12 minutes of sunshine.:thumbsup:

You might want to check out the Malkoff P7 thread or the Room Sweeper thread, both in the LED forum, to get more info on running a P7:
What battery charger would be recommended?
I've been using my (standard LiIon) Pila charger on them, I gather that's ok, unless somebody knows otherwise. I know there isn't a charger specifically made for them.
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I bought a pair of IMR 16340's for a Dereelight C2H. About 23 mins on the highest setting. They charge fine with my Ultrafire 138 charger set to 3.6v. They come off the charger at 4.15v.

I like them because of the safe chemistry. Even with the reduced capacity, they are enough for my normal uses.
I personally like to think of AW IMR batteries as little cans of "WhoopAss" just waiting to be unleashed. I've had very good success with my Pila IBC charger for all my IMR and ICR 16340's and 18650's.
I was thinking about running an IMR 18650 with an m30. I have an rc charger and I can charge it on there checking it every couple of days. I could have problems with it charging a protected cell but I know it wont have issues with the IMR. Looks like they can even be charged close to 3C which is great.
well, not quite in some cases.

A 3P running a Malkoff P7 drop in makes a 700+ plus lumen pocket light. THe IMR delivers the current that DDing the LED requires.
Sorry to hijack this thread but this is good info 270. I just received a 3-level P7 D26 drop-in that I'm swap between a SF 6P and a Solarforce L2M - for the L2M, I am using one of AW's 'regular' 750mAh RCR123's.

My question: Would it be worthwhile to run the P7 with an IMR instead of the regular RCR123's? I checked out the light with a DMM and it's showing 1.3A when running on high with 1xRCR123, apparently, running it at 6v draws about 2.95-3.0A - would the IMR allow the light to run brighter?
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I was thinking about running an IMR 18650 with an m30. I have an rc charger and I can charge it on there checking it every couple of days. I could have problems with it charging a protected cell but I know it wont have issues with the IMR. Looks like they can even be charged close to 3C which is great.

JJay03, you might find the following very interesting (assuming you are talking about the Malkoff M30 LED drop-in and not the ??Olight M30 flashlight??), starting at post # 124. Justin Case has done output vs runtime measurements for running the M30 on standard LiCo chemistry vs IMR chemistry with the 16340 size. Less runtime, but the lumen output calculates to ~300 lumens from IMR vs ~240 vs standard LiCo.

Edit: Although re-reading posts 124-132, post #129 points out that after 6 minutes, the output of the M30 w/IMR has droppped to below the output w/ standard LiCo. And the runtime to 50% is only half with IMR.
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Thats awesome I cant wait for my m30 to get here. :)
How do you guys tell when to recharge the unprotected cells? Do you just wait till it starts to dim or you check it regularly. I was worried if I had to use it for a long time ide be afraid of dropping below 3v. I guess thats what the backup primarys are for though.
jjay03, I have several unprotected 18650's and I usually recharge them immediately after using them even if they are only used for several minutes.

I also normally check them regularly on a DMM but I left one Panasonic cell for several weeks in a storage tube, popped them into a light this week and it was dead. :ohgeez:I checked the cell and it read 2.0v so it appears that it dropped too far and my charger can't revive it. Luckily for me, the cell cost me $0.50 a piece from an electronic surplus store so I didn't mind that they were dead.

Moral of the story, recharge and check them often, don't let them drop too far since there is no protection circuit to stop them from being over-discharged and make sure to take them off the charger as soon as the green light comes on.
What voltage are you guys getting out of your iwr batteries after you charge them? Mine wasnt quite 4.2v but very close. was 4.125v
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Do you want it close to 4.2 at resting or when charging. My charger gets to 4.2 while charging and quits but after it drops down a little when off the charge.

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