Any more info on the new Ra lights?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 4, 2004
Sea Isle City, NJ
I wrote Henry a while back but of course he doesn't want to give out any more info doggone it! LOL. All he would say is that they would be one cell, RCR compatable, multi-mode and be roughly the same size as the clickys. Also stated that they would be sold along side the clickys/twistys not replacing them. Has anyone managed to extract any more info about them?
Reword the next to the last sentence and think about it....

-it's NOT a Clicky, and it's NOT a Twisty.....

Doesn't that get the wheels turning? :naughty:
As Henry is a caver, I can only assume a headlamp is very realistic...
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hope he wasnt banned for lying about that info... :thinking:


I have no idea; I remembered the post and thought I'd pass it along. Later, in the thread from which that post was made, Henry himself corrected a few things...
fingers crossed - have had my 170T for about 8 months now and would love to throw a new Ra into the mix :D

I really think a smaller keychainish Ra on par with the Muyshondts (sp?) would just blow the market up!
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I hope the new light (thats' not a headlamp) has a 200+ output on high as well as an ultra low so I could just have one light that can do it all! I also hope its throwy!
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I have been on a quest for a decent headlamp for 4 years or so. I was about to purchase the Saint Minimus, but with word about a possible headlamp release from HDS, I'll wait to see what Henry comes up with.