Any new pocket rockets in the pipe line?


Jul 5, 2006

I have been reading all of these 123 threads as of late. I want to buy a set one for me, one for my Dad. I would like to spend a max of $150 but less is fine. The Jetbeam RRT-0 interests me but I wonder if it will be much different from my Lummi SS. Henry's twisty is of interest as well but not sure if it will fit in my pocket very well. The primary use is inspecting the engine room, working around salt water, some times close up work, dingy driving, etc. So for sure an AW 123, and very pocketable. Also a low/high, or a low/med/ need for strobe etc.. I need these to arrive by the end of June.

Already own:
Lummi RAW SS w/ cree XRE 20/200
Amilite Cuty w/ P4
P1d cree Q5

Jetbeam RRT-0
RA Twisty
+1 on the RRT-0 plus you can get the AA extender if you choose to run the AAs as back up. Checkout the Nitecore Extreme Infinity and the Novatac Storm. Just my 2 cents!
You might also want to consider two lights made by 4sevens: the Quark, and the QuarkMini (see I don't normally recommend titanium lights, but if you're using your lights around salt water, titanium's probably a smart choice because it resists salt water corrosion better. You should be able to purchase both lights for under $150. Good luck!

The Eagletac PC series suppose to be released soon it's been delayed a bit but I think it will be here before the end of June. At 300 OTF lumens sounds like a pocket rocket to me.
Thanks for the far the Jetbeam, or Henry's twisty are still looking good. Mac is selling a light for $150 but everytime I see his production list he is sold out.:sigh:
Mac's lights sell out fast it seems. I got in on the 4th run as the 3rd run was ending and asked to be in the next group. So if you want one of his lights, you might request to be put in the 5th run now, IF he decides on a 5th run.
His lights are gorgeous and I can't wait til I receive mine.
Thinking another Mac light is high on the list.

While not the newest of Ra's...what do you guys think of the Ra 85tr?
I vote either Ra twisty of clicky.

Lights with very tight spots and ringy beams are no good for up close work in my experience. Something with a smooth beam and good spill is much preferable.

Super hi modes are useless in a light you're actually going to count on. I used to edc a Dereelight C2H but using the top level on that sucker, even for short periods of time, absolutely sucked batteries dry. Totally silly for any practical application.

Ra lights are just plain solid. Perfect for harsh conditions.
To me pocket rockets are keychain li-on 14500 or smaller. OH...and 300 OTF lumens is required.

The Quark Mini AA with a lion Thrustfire 14500 does over 300 OTF, but granted it drops due to heat. Still, plenty bright for as long as the tiny cell last.

CR123 lights can take the IMR 16340 cells and with P7's or SST-50 emitters these are still king of pocket rockets, but the 5~8min runtimes are the downside.

Might want to consider Henry's high CRI Twisty. I suspect the improved color rendering could potentially aid in identifying various engine room fluids.
What is the S12?

So I have a mint 85tr on the way, and thinking of waiting to see what else Henry comes out with by Summer time. Mac's light sounds like a must. I like the SST-0 and need to decide between this vs. a RA...but I have some time;)