Any one Know a source for 10" logan Quick change parts?


Jan 27, 2004
A couple of my Quick change gears are chewed and I'm trying to find a new set.

any one know of a big lathe surplus parts house?

The new parts from Logan are way out of what I can spend. There are some on Ebay too but I can never seem to win em...Tired of playing the bidding game right now.
You already tried my first two suggestions.

I have never dealt with these companies, but on the Practical Machinist forum, Plaza Machinery and Sobel Machinery get mentioned a lot. You might want to post the same question at Practical Machinist

Unfortunately, the senior Sobel is getting old and is ill. His son will try to help. The guy has a lot of machinery and parts. I don't know if he has a website, you can find their store on Ebay, seller is machinerynj (edit: I'm not trying to slight his son [the "try to help" part], I just don't think he knows the full extent of his father's inventory, I've heard good things about Sobel) His son pretty much says as much on the ebay storefront.

Plaza Machinery

I'm not familiar first hand with the Logan, but depending on your skill level, you may be able to alter a stock gear to replace the broken ones. You need to know the number of teeth and the pressure angle of the gear. Somebody @ PM (practical machinist) might know the pressure angle. Boston Gear sells a lot of stock gearing. You most likely will need to bore the center and put a keyway in it to fit in the QC box. If they are splined, this repair will cost a lot.

Best of luck
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Two more used machinery dealers are Meridian and Mermac. One of those guys recently packed up and became a ship's engineer so he's gone, but I can't remember which. Kromeke has the right idea about asking on Practical Machinist.
Meridian and Mermac (Meridian is are the same. I believe he has closed shop. He does have a nice writeup on how to evaluate a lathe and "in praise of clunkers".

Practical machinist does also have a buy sell trade area where you can sometimes find parts.

I also believe there is a yahoo group for the Logan. I'd imagine there is as there are groups for South Bend, Monarch, Rivett, and others. I'd look there as well.

Yup, I looked, there is a yahoo group loganlathe I'd also ask around there.
I'd really recommend joining the yahoo group. I can't speak of the loganlathe group specifically, but I am a member of the south bend lathe group.

The thing is, there are a lot of metal heads out there that might have your part, but if both parties don't know each other, you miss out. Some of these guys tend to hoard parts for themselves, but are also known to sell stuff off and I think some just like to trade up.

For example, I have an 11" south bend. Kinda of a rare animal unlike the 10" and 9" models which are very prevalent. I wanted a chip pan for mine, it was only on the toolroom models. One day, a guy posts a message on the south bend group advertising a chip pan and leg set for an 11" and he was "only" 6 hours away from me (I could have fabricated a chip pan, but a proper one goes "through" the leg at the tailstock end). I jumped on it and drove down to pick it up. I rarely see 11" south bends and parts seem to be even rarer. The guy with the chip pan set said the rest of the lathe got scrapped. He wanted it (the base and chip pan set) for a smaller lathe, but it never worked out right for him.

There is also the home shop machinist board here
I don't frequent it, but it could also be of some help.

I hear logans are pretty nice machines. How much does Scott @ Logan Actuator want for the replacement parts?