Any way to annodize at home?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 24, 2004
I just need to make a very thin anno layer on some heatsinks. Is there an easy way to do this with common household stuff?
aluminum naturally forms a thin anodic film.

simply dip part into hot water (not boiling) for a couple of minutes to seal.
Thanks cy. :thumbsup: Just hot water or do I need to run some current through the piece?
carefully degrease your part before dipping in hot water.

note natural anodic film is thin at best.
I made the mistake of dipping parts in BOILING water to seal them. I forgot about them for 20 minutes. The resulting ano was dark brown/black. It was spotted where bubbles adheared to the surface of the part.

I picked up a steamer at Goodwill to experiment with next time.

I tried today with a 12V 10A battery charger and three solutions:

Diet Coca-Cola
Lemon Juice

All three produced bubbles when current was apploied; but none caused the aluminum to anodize the way I was hoping. Diet coke made the most bubbles, and made some dark dots on the Al; but they wiped off with a paper towel :(

Any ideas?
Just a heads-up for those of you with expensive lathes, tooling, or other equipment--sulphuric acid fumes will rust your valuable goodies in no time--you better have a good ventilation system and extremely tight containers for storage.
no... never depend upon anodic film for only insulation

KDOG3 said:
Hmmm. Will the hot water trick seal it enough to be non conductive for the Seoul P4 base?
I think cy is trying to distinguish between a film, which is exceedingly thin, measured in microns, and a coating of anodized aluminum, which can be up to .001" thick, or more.

The film could be penetrated quite easily by another piece of metal, but a layer of anodizing that is .001" thick will withstand quite a bit of abuse.
In case anyone cares, the natural thickness of oxide film on exposed aluminum is around 5 nanometers (.005 microns).

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