Any way to switch the emitter on a MagLED module?


Feb 18, 2007
Hey guys, I am thinking about getting a MagLED soon and was wondering if there was any way to switch the emitter on a MagLED module? Is it fairly easy or would it be a painful task? Maybe to an SSC or an Edison? Thanks.
There's a whole thread around here somewhere on it, use the search.

Sorry about that .. search doesn't work for me sometimes.

And to download, that is awesome .. but wouldn't a SSC P4 or edison work better due to their similar beam patterns to the Luxeons and is there any way to do that but without damaging the original emitter.
You can do a straight switch; at the expense of brightness(from heat buildup)

Or you can do a full blown conversion from a regular mag using an anodised DHS(D heat sink); seoul P4, and standard 3 cell maglite
Thanks that is awesome .. exactly what I am looking for. And one more question, sorry can't search for some reason ... it keeps on saying fatal error or nothing shows up at all, but is the edison opto klc8 isolated at the metal base below it or is it like the SSC and you would have to isolate it from the casing?