Anybody have one of these drop-ins?

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The picture shows a cree. Looks like the "newer version" of the cree from the Chinese factory.
Its a cree led, not a rebel...Its just one of the many cheap Q5 cree p60 drop-ins available. No one really knows how bright or long it runs for unless someone tries it out. But it definately wont be 275lumens...maybe 200 at most. The video on the page compares it to the surefire G2L which is kinda pointless as the surefire was designed to be have a longer more useful runtime at a practical brightness of 80 lumens so of course it'll be brighter. Its like saying my motorcycle is faster and cheaper than your family car.
It all depends on what current they feed the emitter with... might want to try asking them for that little detail. It still won't be 277Lumens though.:crackup:. That sellers youtube videos briefly comment about fakes made overseas, and how their products are made by a USA company... its all BS, don't buy things from that seller thinking they are made in USA. They are no different from the common favorites you find at DX.
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I agree with Kramer5150. The drop-in may well be perfectly good, but the seller is definitely a bullshit artist.:devil:
Thanks for all the info. I sent them an email yesterday with alot of questions but no response yet.
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