I so, so feel your pain! I too am naturally a night person. And I specifically have requested 2nd shift here at the accelerator, which is 4 pm to midnight. That's such a great shift to work.
Unfortunately, even if I am working an evening rotation, there are some day shifts in front of the 7 or 8 evening shifts, and sometimes I get stuck with the day shift 10 days in a row, in a day rotation. I actually think I now prefer the graveyard rotation to the day now, because at least that is 10 graveyards in a row, and then I do another 10 after 4 days off, so I get into a groove and get pretty good sleep and have amazing dreams to boot.
Anyway, lately it's been harder than ever for me to get up at 7 am. One day I felt literally sick, like as sick as if I had a bad flu or something, only with no flu symptoms. It was terrible. The worst wakeup experience ever.
What can be done? Well, if it were me, and I were stuck on the day shift forever, I would . . . (sit down, this suggestion is going to be very painful) . . .
. . . wait for it . . .
give up coffee.
OUCH! I know, I know, it's an impractical suggestion probably. But honestly, if you go off caffine you will sleep better, and earlier, and waking up early will be more manageable, if still very unpleasant. I actually did this once and it worked for me, but that was back before I started having to work about a month of graveyards every 3 months. I need coffee to allow me to transition from days or evenings to graveyards. It makes it SO much easier. Plus, I just love coffee. I love the taste of it. I love the smell of it. I love the effect of it. Love it.
So, assuming you don't want to give up coffee, the next most effective approach is to take a siesta. When you get home, go to bed. Sleep as long as you like. If you're like me, this will turn out to be about an hour. Then stay up to your normal 1 AM or so. An afternoon nap should make getting up earlier easier.
Other ideas are the following:
1. EAT BREAKFAST. Eat a real breakfast, not just coffee and pastry, but eggs and fruit and bread and so on. And take a multivitamin, or a B-complex.
2. Force yourself into a regular schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same time no matter what. This will help.
3. DON'T EAT BEFORE BED. Don't even eat 1 or 2 hours before bed. Go to bed on an empty stomach.
4. Don't hit the snooze button multiple times. Put the alarm clock on the other side of the room and FORCE yourself to get up at the first alarm. Believe it or not, long term, this will help.
5. EXERCISE. Make sure to get regular exercise. It will help you sleep better.
And, for those times when you need something more to help you sleep, melatonin works very well for some people. Or chamomile tea, or even better (in my case) thyme tea, maybe with some sage added even. Not the most pleasant tea, but not bad, and it works.
Honestly though, I like jtr's suggestion best of all: get off the day shift. Make a change. You're not a morning person! And forcing yourself to be one is just plain going to be unpleasant even in the best of cases.
My mother can't understand why I dislike getting up so early. She, and many others, just don't effing GET IT. It's not that I'm a lazy slug who just needs to discipline himself. Screw that. I attended the GD U.S. Airforce Academy for a while. I know what discipline and getting up early is all about. And there have been other times in my life when my job required me to be a day person. I did what I needed to do. I followed a discipline. And, hey, getting up early still SUCKED.
I laughed out loud when I read jtr's suggestion that these people should try getting up at, say, 1 AM time and time again and see how that effing feels.
It's so funny too, 'cause one of the things my mom can't get over is that I don't really mind the graveyard shifts. And it's pretty easy for me to switch my schedule around to stay up all night. I just drink 20 oz. of coffee at 11 PM and listen to music and it's not that hard. Then I just go to bed at 8:30 AM when I get home and sleep till about 3 or 4 PM. I can do that. Because I do have willpower and discipline. That was never the issue.
The simple fact is that I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON. Period.
And neither are you, geepondy. Get off the damn day shift if you can at all manage it.
Good luck, and keep us informed!