anybody seen ragget?!?

ants was the worse this year it was comically bad. id get rid of them in my home but in dishwasher they would be in there
Are you going to try being Opposite raggie33? I hope that works out well for you. It sure did for Opposite George. 😁
100 percent im going to try it ive been doing a lot of soul searching and for real i cant think of one good choice ive made in my life.. man i i do stupid stuff ....
ants was the worse this year it was comically bad. id get rid of them in my home but in dishwasher they would be in there

100 percent im going to try it ive been doing a lot of soul searching and for real i cant think of one good choice ive made in my life.. man i i do stupid stuff ....
So start. Opposite raggie33 would not post that he does stupid stuff. ;)
i thought that was the movie old school at first one of my fav movies the scene when they was chasing everyone in the van was so funny
Correction, I asked if you were going to start. I didn't ask if you do stupid stuff. Right?
It starts by looking in the mirror and liking what you see, warts and all.

When I look in the mirror I see a wrinkled up fat guy with big ears. I think "well my nose hairs could use a trim" but other than that it is what it is.

When you wear your heart on a sleeve it's like an open wound on a tree oozing sap that invites all kinds of pests to come by and munch out, thereby making the wound worse. Image is everything and when you advertize your vulnerabilities it invites the bad people to do bad stuff.

Did anybody ever see Fonzy actually beat up anybody? Nope, yet people thought he was a real tough guy. Deep down he was a real softie but nobody knew it because he kept it hidden. He hung out with Ritchie and Potsie for cryin' out loud. That was proof right there he won't all that.
i just even remained on hold with out cussing out the company. i think its worth it .but still hate being on hold lol .
at least i never got married. id predict a divorce about 5 minutes after i say i do lol
I worked with a guy on a project where nearly everybody was from out of town. One Friday this one really angry drunkard guy celebrated his last day on the project. The boss says "what you gonna do when you get home?" The guy snarls "get a divorce". The boss chuckles and says "how long you been married?" Again he snarls "about 18 months". The boss says "you've been here for 18 months". Angry drunk guy chuckles "yeah, we got drunk, got married and I left the next day"....."and she told me on the way out the door you leave and we're getting a divorce". The boss says "that's really sad". Angry drunk guy says "that's the longest I've ever been married, the last 3 didn't last a month". The boss says "really?" Dude says "yup, I meet 'em, get drunk, get married and get divorced"...."call me crazy but I kinda enjoy being alone, just me and my git-tar".