Anybody tried a McR27S with an XP-G?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 25, 2007
Lake Zurich, Illinois, USA
I have used the McR20S with great results and was thinking of trying the McR27S and was curious if anyone has done this and what were their results as far as beam pattern.
Check here.

I think DaFABRICATA commented that it worked well, but I don't recall if anyone posted beam shots.
I'm guessing by McR27S you mean the seoul type reflector? If you mean the McR27 short reflector like in the PR-T head I can tell you it works great:D DaFabricata put an XP-G in my PR-T head on Saturday:devil:..... Sooo much better than the LuxIII!

I'll see if I still have some McR27S reflectors, and provided I can fit the lower end of it in the PR-T, I can probally give you an idea of how it works:thinking: Now I'm wondering about it... the short reflector throws pretty good. The full size one should throw even better.
DaFabricata put an XP-G in my PR-T head on Saturday:devil:..... Sooo much better than the LuxIII!

the short reflector throws pretty good. The full size one should throw even better.

Glad you are liking it!...I'm glad you got rid of that old Lux III...:laughing:

The McR27S, McR27short, and McR27XR all seem to work well with the XP-G..:thumbsup: