Anyone Actually Find Use For The Fenix Difuser?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 20, 2007
I picked up a Fenix Difuser for my P3D, but have yet to find a use for it - unless I ever need to direct traffic at night. As for using it for a candle, I much prefer standing the P3D on end and bouncing the light off the ceiling. Using the difuser in the "candle position" just directs the light towards people's eyes. It's a neat and cheap little gadget and I'm glad I have it, I just don't know what I'll do with it. Have you found any good use for the thing? :thinking: - Larry
There's lot of places that don't have a white ceiling to bounce the light from. You can hang the light and use the diffuser for an area light in those places.
Mine was delivered yesterday for the P3D 100. I plan to use it as a candle when travelling to countries that have daily power outages.

It got it's first use yesterday to navigate the bedroom in the dark while my other half slept.
The light by itself on low works wonders for navigating without waking the SO. Actually it would probably work better since you can shine the light on the ground. However I can think of at least one good use for it, camping. I'm about to order one for our upcoming camping trip this weekend, actually.
It's been echoed in all the other diffuser threads of late - it's great for when you don't have a ceiling to bounce or a flat surface to stand the light on.
I hang my light from my neck and then I don't have to point the light when camping. It works pretty good.
I used the red filter and blue-tacked the diffuser on for a great night light on low. The diffuser on it's own offers more immediate light than bouncing the light off of the ceiling although it depends what I'm doing.
Multiple uses. I love that little thing!
Works great for the candle use and I imagine would be a great little light hung from the lanyard in a tent or other such space. I use it to light up the work space on a podium I stand at while working valet. (I use similar diffusers on Magled 3d's to light up dark areas and walkways at private functions by sticking the mag in the top of a white traffic cone to elevate it and stand it up straight.)

I also cover one side with cardboard and use it as a booklight. I think I might actually get another and use black paint for the same effect. Makes a great booklight on low or med depending on ambient light, only prob is that the glare from it can bug my eyes, hence the cardboard shield which I would like to try using black paint for.

I also, boringly enough, use it to direct traffic, although here my olight t10 is better for its ability to go from a low light setting straight to strobe. Same size so it works great. Can't leave the p2d on turbo all the time, it gets hot. I love the fact that it works just about as well as the diffusers on mags but I can easily drop it in my pocket when not in use.

All that and I've only had it for a week.:grin2:
