Anyone done this? G2 + KT1


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 9, 2007
The great state of Misery (Missouri)
I really like my G2 as is, but I have this little kid in me that wants to light up the next block! I can almost get there now, but it's not very bright. I have been pondering putting a Turbo head on my G2 to see how that works. (Right now it's the option I can most afford) Anyone have any experience they want to share doing this?
Yes, someone did do that - I don't recall who it was - and the result was a surprisingly smart-looking light. Not only that, in cold weather the Nitrolon body was much better to hold vs. an Al one.

Maybe someone else can remember the thread.
I'd like to see that :)

And on that subject, I bet a ton of surefire g2/6p/9p users would be interested in a _cheap_ turbohead, something around 50-60 bucks.. I bet everyone on the forum would then have a turbohead.. that would be cool!
Definetly, I think someone should make turboheads for 50 to 60. Something nice but more attractive looking than surefires turboheads which in my opinion are kinda ugly looking.
One of my favorite lights is the G2 / G2z coupled with the SRTH.
Much sleeker looking than the KT1.
Just a reminder that the KT1 turbohead is the same as the KT2, just the bulb assembly that comes with it is different. If you put the head on a 2-cell Surefire, add a 1-cell extender, and use an N2 lamp (hard to find), or the lamp for the M3T (MN15 or MN16 HOLA), you can use it as a 3-cell Turbohead.

A word of warning, the G2 has had spotty success with the aluminum single cell extender (A19). Mine worked, but some don't.

ALSO, if you check into the Rechargeable Battery threads, you can potentially find a way to run the 3-cell Turbohead lamp on a 2-cell body by using different combinations of rechargeable cells. (two 3.7v batts might power the 3-cell MN15/16, but I'm not certain.)

Good luck!
My main gallery has been broken for years. These I found from my gallery on PK-E. I couldn't find any photos of a natural HA KT TurboHead though. Sorry.




As noted the A19 does not usually function on the G2 body. I've found the old-style A19 does. YMMV
ALSO, if you check into the Rechargeable Battery threads, you can potentially find a way to run the 3-cell Turbohead lamp on a 2-cell body by using different combinations of rechargeable cells. (two 3.7v batts might power the 3-cell MN15/16, but I'm not certain.)

Good luck!

Yep, you could use a pair of 3.7V RCR123s to run a MN15, but not the MN16 (too much load).

Runtime on the MN15 should be around 25-30 minutes on new fully charged cells.

Alternatively, AW will soon be coming out with a LiMn chemistry RCR123 cell, still 3.7V, lower capacity, but the chemistry is safer, more abuse tolerant, and lower resistance, which will allow the use of high current lamps, like the MN16, HO-M3T, and EO-M3T in a 2 cell surefire body with turbohead. Runtime would be short (like under 10 minutes), which is to be expected from a compact flame-thrower, but it would be exciting nonetheless.

I try this combination many many moons ago. The throw is about similar to a 2D Mag. It could easily hit the nearby buildings and signboard on the road side. I conducted this experiment when I was standing on the 8th floor of a hotel.