Flashlight Enthusiast
I started off with a Fenix L2D (AA) for biking and was pretty happy with it but then started to explore further. After acquiring two MTE P7s for biking (and a TR-801 for helmet use) I started to realize how nice the Li-Ion battery format is. I've got a Solarfoce L2 and L2M combo coming (plus an additional 18650 ext), and I really can't see myself buying anymore non-Li-Ion lights at this point. Other than my E01 and L2D (which may spend more time as a P2D once I get the body in) I just don't have much interest for AA/AAA/C/D... lights at all other than the ones that will also work with compatible Li-Ion cells.
I've noticed some people almost find Li-Ion to be difficult to accept mainly on account of misunderstanding the safeties I suppose, but does anyone else feel like there is no reason not to go with the better battery technology?
I've noticed some people almost find Li-Ion to be difficult to accept mainly on account of misunderstanding the safeties I suppose, but does anyone else feel like there is no reason not to go with the better battery technology?