Anyone had experiences modifing a Pentagon K2?

Welcome to CPF, zim13.

This the B/S/T section, for sales only, so I'll move your thread into the Homemade & Modified section for you.

first time poster here, dont know if this is the right board to post this, i just love the look and body of the pentagon K2

and i am wondering if anyone had experiences modifing it into a r2 LED light?



Tough call. It's hard to say because I've never handled an R2. By R2 do you mean the S2 Red 19 LED investigative light?:thinking:

Hypothetically speaking if the 19 LED module is the same size as a PentagonLight BX-2 lamp assembly, then yes, it will fit. You'll probably need a pair of strap wrenches to open the S2's head, though.
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