anyone have experience with wolf eyes?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 16, 2008
am considering purchasing the champion or the sniper flashlight. it appears that the wolf eyes website is the only place that sells them?
anyone have either that can comment on them?
am looking for a 200 plus lumens lights that one can carry and also has a lower outpute mode.
since joining the site have purchased a nitcore, proton plus and a jetbeam for a present for my dad.
thanks is advance,

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many thanks, does anyone know what regulated output vs unregulated output means?
You're in good hands with Mike from PTS Flashlights. Great prices and service. Wolf-Eyes lights are very stout.

Regulated means that there is circuitry between the battery and the emitter which ensures nearly the same output over a given period of time. Unregulated means the emitter starts bright and eventually starts to fade over time. I'm sure someone will have a clearer explanation, if you want one.


many thanks, does anyone know what regulated output vs unregulated output means?

You're in good hands with Mike from PTS Flashlights. Great prices and service. Wolf-Eyes lights are very stout.

Regulated means that there is circuitry between the battery and the emitter which ensures nearly the same output over a given period of time. Unregulated means the emitter starts bright and eventually starts to fade over time. I'm sure someone will have a clearer explanation, if you want one.



That's a pretty good explanation. :twothumbs I think Amorak is asking specifically about the specs for the Wolf Eyes lights. So the light will run regulated, in other wards at constant maximum output for a given time. The when the cells can not keep up the current the light "falls out of regulation" so it starts to dim but still keeps producing light for awhile.

Here's a recent thread with many testimonials about the quality of Wolf Eyes lights.
After speaking with Mike on the phone a couple years ago, I ordered an earlier generation M-90 Rattlesnake. It worked as claimed. Shortly after I started to EDC it I dropped it directly onto a concrete sidewalk:ohgeez:.
It still works great. That "Sniper" is an outstanding value that's been improved with more powerful options. You can not go wrong with WolfEyes and PTS!
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