Anyone use cigar boxes for storage?


Mar 5, 2010
St. Louis, MO
Is it just me, or does anyone else miss the good old days when really neat or important stuff was stored away in a cigar box. :( I always knew I was in for a treat when one of my elders would pull an old cigar box down off the shelf to show me something special. :huh: Now, plastic containers are the norm. I personally have a couple of cigar boxes. I use one of them to hold the arrow heads I found in my dad's garden as a kid.
I use my cigar boxes to store my watches, cuff links, and tie bars. Maybe I should add another box full of lights
to OCD --

I know *EXACTLY* what you are talking about ! ! !


Brings back so many great memories !

Thank you for this thread.

Ahh... Cigar boxes.
They practically are a one time use boxes but usually with good brands they definitely are made so, that they don´t look or feel like one :cool:

...and that cedar smell... :drool:

edit: and (if you look away from tax-stickers and stuff) there are boxes, which you cannot easily determine if it is old or new by the looks of it :D
They are done by "the old style" :cool:
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