Anything similar to Sunwayman D40A?


Feb 21, 2010
Rhode Island
Is there anything out there similar to the wonderful Sunwayman D40A? This light appeared on the market about 10 years ago. I consider it one of my best lights. It uses 4AA batteries and pumps out almost 1,000 lumens. It's very compact. I gifted a few of them back in the day, and every person was just blown away by how handy and bright it is.

Sadly, like many good things, it was discontinued. I have been searching for something similar but can't find anything. Many websites still list the light, but the page invariably says 'discontinued' or 'unavailable'.

Does anyone have a suggestion on maybe finding a few of these lights?? Or something similar in form and function? :anyone:

Ive wondered the same. I'll be following this thread. :) I have a neutral white version. It is an amazing thrower.

Could you imagine if it would take 4 21700??

Maybe like a Marauder Mini?

Good luck with your quest!
I still have a couple in working condition ... love these lights. A forum member used to mod them ... not sure if he's still around (as I haven't been around this forum in years) Vinh? is his name.

Great lights.
I still have a couple in working condition ... love these lights. A forum member used to mod them ... not sure if he's still around (as I haven't been around this forum in years) Vinh? is his name.

Great lights.
Yeah, I still love these lights. As I mentioned above, I gave away a few of them, and people were blown away. I would like to buy more, just to give away.

If you think of anything similar, please post here. Thanks!