IMHO; great light for the money spent. Went thru the lights, some variations in spot quality, nothing worth worrying about for a simple , inexpensive squeezer. Some spots whiter, some bluer. Cannot see anyway to disassemble, I assume they are disposable, but I'm sure some ingenius mind can figure how to recycle them. If nothing else worth the but to salvage the LED later to use in home projects. I like these little things for what they are. cheap, affordable, no great loss if lost or given away. At first use compared with my Photon 2, but no knowledge of runtime, dimming of light with use. But brand new they are really bright.
Just experimented, case is easily pried open with small screwdriver or blade. Now keep in mind that these are little $1 each cheapies, so don't be getting your hopes too high, but at a buck apeice [1.30 w/shipping], I could sell them at gun shows for $3 each and make out pretty well.
So my advice would be to not buy any of these so that I can have them all to myself.