I have read a lot about the different Lithium chemistry batteries in threads here. I have never used anything but NiMH as far as rechargeables. I never thought about Li before, but after seeing how they could expand my ability to configure different flashlight mods, it makes me really think about using them.
However....... I still get the feeling that to really do them justice, one has to do a lot more "maintenance" than NiMH. I mean, checking them with a meter, balance charging, etc. But when I look around at the world out there, I just can't believe that the majority of people are doing any of that...... I just can't see joe the plumber worrying about proper maintenance of his batteries.
So what? Well I know that I'm not going to check batteries and worry about all that stuff. I don't want to put them in a fireproof container to charge them or keep them in the garage. I don't do that with NiMH batteries. I use them, throw them in the charger and use them again. I have never had one go bad. Never had one short out or fail to charge. I have gotten rid of a few that don't seem to hold a charge for long any more, but never one I would say was "bad" or shorted out.
What I'm getting at (finally), is do I really have to worry about Li batteries to the point that I need to do all the checks and balances? I really just want to use them and charge them and that's it.
I just have to think that the majority of the world at large, does it the same way too. Just use them and charge them and use them......
So given that scenario, should I just stick to NiMH?
I'd really like to hear your opinions and how you really use your Li batteries on a daily basis. I mean do every one of you guys faithfully do all this checking of every Li-ion (protected or unprotected), battery you use?
However....... I still get the feeling that to really do them justice, one has to do a lot more "maintenance" than NiMH. I mean, checking them with a meter, balance charging, etc. But when I look around at the world out there, I just can't believe that the majority of people are doing any of that...... I just can't see joe the plumber worrying about proper maintenance of his batteries.
So what? Well I know that I'm not going to check batteries and worry about all that stuff. I don't want to put them in a fireproof container to charge them or keep them in the garage. I don't do that with NiMH batteries. I use them, throw them in the charger and use them again. I have never had one go bad. Never had one short out or fail to charge. I have gotten rid of a few that don't seem to hold a charge for long any more, but never one I would say was "bad" or shorted out.
What I'm getting at (finally), is do I really have to worry about Li batteries to the point that I need to do all the checks and balances? I really just want to use them and charge them and that's it.
I just have to think that the majority of the world at large, does it the same way too. Just use them and charge them and use them......
So given that scenario, should I just stick to NiMH?
I'd really like to hear your opinions and how you really use your Li batteries on a daily basis. I mean do every one of you guys faithfully do all this checking of every Li-ion (protected or unprotected), battery you use?