Are Longbow lights still made?


Mar 7, 2007
I was working this weekend at a special event and we had to wand people as they entered.One guy had a longbow light.It was kinda beat up.He didn't know anything about it or even where he got it from but said he carried it cause it was small.
I liked the looks of this light.Is it any good?Is it even available?
Please tell me any history of this light.
I've been searching the net and the more I see them the more i like them.
Old tech huh.One or two sights have them for $60.Right now i carry a L1dce .The longbow probaly doesn't compare does it?
You can buy a "McCapsule" from the Sandwich Shoppe, and build your own light engine. I built two, and actually went back to the stock capsule in my Micra with a McR18 refelector and UCL being the only mods. In stock form, it's dim and inefficient by today's standard, but it's the best built light I've ever seen. Sometimes regret selling my Mini and PR head, especially since the Seouls came out about the same time.
long bow are made in korea!??!

i read before it was singapore!

lousy light for what they cost...

nowadays, a P1d or HDS owns it.

anyway, i don't think they are made anymore...

their website no longer work....
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Yes, they are based in Singapore. I visited their main office Light10 for a warranty exchange on the light module before.

To each his own, but I do not think "lousy" is a fair term for it since it was made so many years ago where the Lux I was still common. Perhaps "obsolete"?

The light engine maybe outdated but the body machining/design IMO is almost second to none.

A SSC led, McCapsule and a DB1000 brought back life to the Longbow and the grin on my face!
Those Longbows looked like they were very well made...I believe the guy that demonstrated them at shows used to do the HDS trick of launching them at the wall/floor to prove how tough they were.

I'd love to see the mini, micra and eco updated with SSC's and better regulation...I'd buy the lot (eventually). :tinfoil:

I just sold my MilkyModded Longbow, it is VERY nice. I have 2 more on the way, plus I just bought the TurboHead from the Shoppe.

Yes they have fabulous quality in the machining and finish. Built rock solid too but just a lousy LED in most. I fixed that when the Cree first came out by modding the existing capsule, adding the cree and one of the fairly rare NX-01 optics. It was incredibly bright, white and no rings. At that point it was the brightest LED light I had. The main Longbow distributor was in Arizona I believe (if not then maybe Texas or New Mexico - somewhere southwestish :) ) I did hear they are not being made any more but I believe some dealers still have stock.
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The Longbow goes back to a now inactive CPF member Hotfoot and some of its seeds came from the early McLux TK program and the SkunkLight gang. I believe Hotfoot was on a gag order from Light10. Hotfoot was the man who made the original McLux TK's a reality. I miss the fellow here!! :(

..lousy light for what they cost.
nowadays, a P1d or HDS owns it...

I censor my response to this brilliant comment before I even type it. :rolleyes:
The Longbow goes back to a now inactive CPF member Hotfoot and some of its seeds came from the early McLux TK program and the SkunkLight gang. I believe Hotfoot was on a gag order from Light10. Hotfoot was the man who made the original McLux TK's a reality. I miss the fellow here!! :(

I censor my response to this brilliant comment before I even type it. :rolleyes:

that explains why the build quality is so good, some people just dont get what "timeless design" means. longbows will be great as long as people make them great. you just have to update as tech allows.
If I remember correct Owen and myself looked over his longbow lights very well when he was modding them.....well the entire light engine was potted all the way up to the base of the emitter covering the leads completely. This was one of the first lights I knew of to use this method and yes it is nearly it is just a "good looking" light I believe.

Not very many ways at all for those old LongBow lights to fail and I would like to see the return of the LongBow using modern emitters and circuit designs.
ap·ple-pol·ish (
sh) Informal

v. ap·ple-pol·ished, ap·ple-pol·ish·ing, ap·ple-pol·ish·es


To seek favor by toadying.

To seek favor with; flatter. See Synonyms at fawn1.

Hmm, I thought we were just talking about a rock-solid little flashlight...:thinking:


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