I've started reading the laser section of CPF for a few days now out of curiousity and have been noticing posts about how cheap diodes can be used to make really powerful lasers out of flashlights. It makes me wonder if purchasing a several hundred dollar unit from a company is really worthwhile if you could just make your own for around $20.
Also, if this is true, why isn't someone in business making these mods?
Keep in mind my limited experience......I own one 4mw pointer that was bought for $17 about 10 years ago. Now you know why I'm fascinated by these new 175+mw models I've been hearing about!
Also, if this is true, why isn't someone in business making these mods?
Keep in mind my limited experience......I own one 4mw pointer that was bought for $17 about 10 years ago. Now you know why I'm fascinated by these new 175+mw models I've been hearing about!