Are manufactured lasers worth it?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 17, 2005
I've started reading the laser section of CPF for a few days now out of curiousity and have been noticing posts about how cheap diodes can be used to make really powerful lasers out of flashlights. It makes me wonder if purchasing a several hundred dollar unit from a company is really worthwhile if you could just make your own for around $20.

Also, if this is true, why isn't someone in business making these mods?

Keep in mind my limited experience......I own one 4mw pointer that was bought for $17 about 10 years ago. Now you know why I'm fascinated by these new 175+mw models I've been hearing about!
It really depends on which laser and how you define "worth it"

If you mean in terms of sheer power, the often yes, they're worth it, unless you're good enough to buy several diodes and combine the beams. Most diodes are <150mw, many clsoer to the 100mw mark, IIRC.

If you mean in durability, it depends on the manufacturer. Before my WickedLaser Pulsar was stolen, I had dropped it numerous times on cement and concrete and asphalt, and kicked it accross the room before (all on accident) and it never caused any problems. I've done much of that with my Atek, and again, no problems.

If you talk about the costs ratio, then no they're not worth it because you can build a good laser for $50 or less. However it will either be low-powered or complicated (and if you try to buy high-powered diodes, you'll find the cost goes way up)

IT really depends, also on if you're a laser fanatic who's going to be using this "toy" for years and years, or if you're gonna play with it for an hour or less and then give it away. IF you're not a fanatic you're better off building a low-powered one and playing with it for a week or less, than you are spending $200 or more on a powerful professionally-built one.

If you still want to go the pro-built rout, ask and the CPFers will gladly tell you the best sellers. Personally I've only used Atek and Wicked, the latter is quite costly, but, atleast with the pulsar, is very durable.
it is possible to build your own laser.

of course, the laser module is readily available if you search.

the only thing is the machining of your laser's body...
You'll also have the manufacturer's warranty should your laser fail. But if you build your own laser, well, you're gonna have to be stuck with trouble shooting. But then again, a DIY laser would be much cheaper.
I guess I was referring to mainly the price when considering if they're "worth it". But you guys are right, there is alot more to consider than just the cost, and the price can indeed be worthwhile if it saves alot of headaches!

Thank you for the insight! I'll proceed accordingly.