are the Ltd. Edition Q2 binned Fenix P2D or P3D's worth the extra $$?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 6, 2002
Southern California
Looking at getting the best bang for the buck.. I see that fenixstore has Q2 binned lights for sale for a little more than the standard moidels. I am going to use the P2D as a bike helmet light, so more output is better..

Is the small lumens difference noticeable and is the medium orange peel reflector more floody or tight?
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The price is not that much more, I would imagine it is noticeably brighter. I say if you're gonna spend $55, why not spend $71 to get the best product? Why not go for it?

Medium orange peel should be a little more floody than a smooth reflector. I prefer the smoother ones myself for a little more throw. Beam doesn't have to be completely flawless for me, I can live with a non-perfect beam to gain some throw.

Unless I am missing something, I am surprised there is not a Q2 binned L3D yet.
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I doubt you would notice the difference in brightness (if any). I bought one for the OP reflector and unglued head.
Personally, I think it's worth it for the reflector. THe Q2 bin Cree is a great upgrade too.

I would have ordered one but I'm in the market for a P3D...
It may not be the best bang for the buck value flashlight but I'll bet the people who go for UCL lens will go for this. Mine are on the way.
what I meant by bang for the buck is output quality and good long runtimes.. I have seen over 2.5 hours on primaries for high mode, which will work great for a bike helmet light..
My P2D Q2se (w primary) is brighter than my P3D (with rcr123's) on every level but turbo. Spot of the beam is broader, more intense, sidespill is brighter, light is warmer (neutral) than the P3D original, and the much nicer.
I can say the same generally for the Lod Q2 and P1D Q2 except that the levels of output are harder to match up against the P3D. All in all, great lights and if you are only going to buy one fenix, make it one of these Q2 versions.
I hope so!, because I ordered a p2dSE and I havent even received the replacement p3d or the new p2d I ordered. (any day now)

I am an addict.
I think it is worth it - reflector on these really is good - just right for an EDC light. And from what I heard about the availability of the Q2's I feel lucky to have one.
On a pure cost basis it sounds marginal (a few percent lumen difference isn't that noticable) but as a flashaholic I'd probably spring for it anyway if I were buying one of those models.
Got my new lights, smooth white beam with no noticeble tint, p2d is EDC ambrosia. Thank you david and gary @ fenix-store for looking after me, the lights are mint!

If the q2 version is better than this normal p2d then that would be an incredible light, and so i cannot wait.

P.S: my p2d (non q2), makes the lightning beam intro into different modes, I don't see what the problem is, it's so fast most of the time i don't notice.

it feels good to have lumens.


Thanks Nano, it was worth the wait, i think i'll go and see blades of glory and test out the lights from the back row like you suggested.