'Asafee' Jetbeam??

Mar 7, 2007
I have noticed ads on AliExpress for 'Asafee' Jetbeam. What is Asafee? Did Jetbeam get taken over? Is Asafee Jetbeam a cheap (or not cheap) knock-off of Jetbeam?
Could it possibly be a foreign term that means "Factory Second."
Outside of AliExpress, never seen Jetbeam models referred to as Asafee.
Got my 'Asafee' Jetbeam from AliExpress. The light looks great, has all the right markings on the light as well as on the box it came in. In summary it looks legit and is a great light. I am no wiser about Asafee but no reason to suspect 'seconds' or any other problem.
If Nitecore is related to Jetbeam, Jetbeam is probably pretty good.
Nitecore and Jetbeam belonged to the same company, Sysmax. Than there was a dispute (between the owners, two brothers of I remember correctly). Jetbeam and Nitecore/Sysmax split.

Jetbeam became an own Company and the 2nd brand name Niteye was founded due to name problems for Jetbeam in Europe or parts of Europe.

That is 10+ years ago. Here in CPF should be this postings (if this postings were not in CPFMP) About this dispute...
Got my 'Asafee' Jetbeam from AliExpress. The light looks great, has all the right markings on the light as well as on the box it came in. In summary it looks legit and is a great light. I am no wiser about Asafee but no reason to suspect 'seconds' or any other problem.
I no longer trust AliExpress. They're giving me the run-around with a light I ordered in early November. Still not here. Ironically ordered twice more from them. All of the lights I ordered end of November are here! One of the two lights I ordered 2nd week of December arrived, yesterday! Clearly my Convoy M2 is lost in the mail. But they want me to just wait until it eventually arrives.... or, until it's past the date where I can get a refund from them. So, I'm done! Contacting PayPal today to see if I can get the funds placed back into my account. So much for the sentiment that the owner of Convoy is a great guy to deal with. :rolleyes:

We're not even talking that much money. $23 and some change is literally nothing to me. But it's the principle of the thing. Fed-up with getting ripped-off online. Also, I've been a regular on AliExpress for awhile now. Putting in large, multiple orders. How much sense does it make to tick off that type of customer? So, you're going to tick off and lose a regular, over less than $24?? I can just buy the same stuff they sell, off of eBay. Yeah, brilliant business sense.
I no longer trust AliExpress. They're giving me the run-around with a light I ordered in early November.
fwiw, IF tracking shows that the light is already in USA, bouncing around in the hands of one of the USPS shipping partners, that is not really an Aliex, nor Convoy problem..

Look at your tracking.. did the light already land in USA? If so, delivery delay is not really Convoy's fault.

otoh, Im not saying you should not file a Paypal Dispute.. youre certainly justified to protect your purchase funds.. Suggest you verify how long you have to file a dispute, it may be more than 30 days.

fwiw, I had a package that bounced around inside the USA for 33 days!.. It only took 4 days to reach USA initially. On day 14 I contacted the seller, they asked me to wait 45 days before filing a dispute. I chose to wait and the package arrived on Day 37.. (it was not from Covoy)

Notice that in the above example, the package took 28 Days! to exit USA Customs.. It then took just 3 days for USPS to drive it up and down California, before finding my house, 3 days later, in a different state.. LOL

How many days does your package tracking show the light has been in USA, and is it in the hands of a "Shipping Partner" such as Pitney Bowes, or is it actually in the hands of USPS already?
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Amazon is just as worthless.
Oh no, they're worse!
After spending tons of money on Amazon with everything delivered to the very same address, someone hacked my account on Amazon. Various different delivery addresses now. Amazon approved every purchase. That didn't last long. Though not due to Amazon! They never once picked up on the suspicious activity. My credit card company, did! So, every Amazon transaction that did not go to my one and only verified address; my C.C. company refused payment to Amazon.

I did contact Amazon to inform them. Mentioned the addresses discrepancy. Their response?.... "Tell your credit card company to approve each and every single transaction, or we're locking you out of your account until you do."

I'm sure you can guess what my response to that was. Literally everything on Amazon can be found online someplace else. Usually for right around the same amount of money, or just a bit above Amazon's prices. Heck, I see something I want that pops up on Amazon, I just check who the distributor or manufacturer happens to be, go to their official online shop and buy direct! Amazon shut down my hacked account more years ago than I can remember. Other websites simply took up their slack whenever I'm in a buying mood.
fwiw, IF tracking shows that the light is already in USA, bouncing around in the hands of one of the USPS shipping partners, that is not really an Aliex, nor Convoy problem..
Oh, it's definitely their problem for the way they are handling (mishandling) the situation. I made AliExpress fully aware of the fact that lights I ordered numeous days/weeks after I ordered the missing M2, have already arrived safe and sound to my door. Apparently that fact is a non-issue to them. It's a HUGE indicator that my M2 has blatantly been lost in the mail. I've appealed twice for a refund, weeks apart. Last was yesterday. Same old B.S., Just wait for it to arrive. Let us know when it does.

That is garbage customer service. And, I'm done being patient with them. Fantastic job on their part, losing a regular who put in multiple large orders with them only a few weeks apart. To save on less than $24.oo worth of revenue, they're now going to lose hundreds of dollars from the purchases I planned on making at the start of 2024. Brilliant business stragedy on their part.
I agree that trying to negotiate with Aliex can be very frustrating..

I would also stop trying to reason w Customer Service and escalate to Paypal dispute.
Buying from somewhere other than Amazon means I get it faster since they give me a 2 week wait penalty for not being Prime.