Attaching two Altoids tins together


Oct 23, 2005
Toronto, Canada
I have two 50 gram Altoids tins that I want to attach together - bottom to bottom - so that when I open one, the other will be upside down. I thought about taping them with duct tape around the edges but that will not be a firm 'connection'. Then there's silicone and glueing them together which may be permanent but harder to take apart if I choose to do so.

Any other ways of securing both tins together ?
epoxy, preferably ceramic [or if you can afford it, arctic alumina, which will not only physically attach the two tins, but also providing a thermal bridge:D]
Double sided carpet tape between the bases is the best solution.

2nd best ≈ double sided sticky pads.
Double sided carpet tape between the bases is the best solution.

2nd best ≈ double sided sticky pads.
I think I'm going to try your suggestion. I might actually have some double sided tape around the house ! The usual kind with the foam in between. It would be easy enought to remove if necessary. As for carpet tape, I'm guessing is much thinner (no foam) so I might check out the hardware store. Thanks to all for the help, keep 'em coming, never know what else might work !
I think I'm going to try your suggestion. I might actually have some double sided tape around the house ! The usual kind with the foam in between. It would be easy enought to remove if necessary. As for carpet tape, I'm guessing is much thinner (no foam) so I might check out the hardware store. Thanks to all for the help, keep 'em coming, never know what else might work !

There's the tape used for rehandling golf clubs. That's foamless double-sided tape and it's extremely strong. The adhesive loses its grip temporarily when wet with mineral spirits (if it didn't, you'd have a hell of a time getting the grip on the club handle!) and becomes sticky again when it dries.
i am flabbergasted. Any amount of money you spend on materials you would only use for this project when you already seem to have glue is just silly. If you need you can buy more Altoids, then you could have attached and detached tins. This whole thread is ridiculous.
Here is the way i interpret the question.

I have two readily available and inexpensive tins I want to bind together. I also have the adhesive to do so. But due to my inexplicable fear that I may need to separate these tins I am willing to spend more money than is needed to acquire new tins (which come with delicious mints) in order to bond them in a less reliable way so that I may back out of this whole binding of the tins thing.