AW C cell charging questions

Aug 6, 2007
New Jersey
I have a Ultrafire WF-139 charger and would like to use to charge my AW C cells.
I soldered magnets to jumper wires. The negative terminals work fine. The positive terminals on the charger are stainless steel :confused:. I could use some advice on how to make a good, temporary contact to the positive terminal.

Thanks for your replies.
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I'm not sure whether you are talking about battery or charger terminals.

If charger then I'd get some chocolate (terminal) block ( blocks), extract a couple of the screw terminals from the plastic covering and attach (glue?) them to either end of a length of dowel which fits between the charger terminals. You may want to cut out a channel in the dowel to run the wires out from the screw terminals.

If battery, make one of these

Thanks for the input. The problem is that the positive terminals of the charger are stainless steel. The magnets wont stick.
Your idea of using a dowel to apply pressure will probably work.

this is what I made up for external charging

The dowell is drilled right through, I inserted a used .22 rifle shell in each end as brass contacts, soldered wires to the shells. Works nicely

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