Barbolight T-09 "Custom" Special Edition.

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 30, 2001
Pamplona- NA- Spain
I was playing with the drivers and P7's we are going to use on the next generation on U-15's, so I have decided to give another try to a 2xCR123 format light fitted with a P7. I knew it was not going to be a thrower, but the results have been impressive.

On the left a regular production U-04 with a SSCP4 @ 900 mA; right a T-04 body with a P7 @ 2800 mA (driven with 2xCr123 and step down regulator)

This first picture was taken 1,5 meters away from the white wall, same camera manual settings


And now the real world picture. The Fire Extinguisher is 8 meters away. Not a thower, but a impressive amount of light...

It makes some "doughnout", but something you can live with in "real world" use.


So here it is... a 800 lm palm sized flashlight, with a 50 min runtime (not tested). Forget about powering it with a Li-ION 18650, you are going to need 2xCr123 to power this beast. (Haven't tried RCR123).

I have some 7075 alloy, MIL 63576 Type I finished bodies, green color. i'm making one for myself, but I can make a small run really fast. Enough interest? Let me know. I was planning to engrave them with laser to make a really special series.

let me know!!!

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Re: Barbolight T-09 "Custom" SE

Any pics of the light itself?

Pics look promising!

I have used for the testing a bare alloy housing, but once anodized the external look will be exactly as any other T-04 but instead of black it will be a kind of olive grey, with "old gold" shining...quite difficult to describe.

They have a momentary pushbutton, and Tí CLIP. The picture is niot really good, and it was made to a P4 model, but I hope is enough by now to have an idea.


And now a very bad picture of the LED and the reflector, showing a P4 and a P7.


While I drive home I'm going to try to stop on a dark place to take an outdoor picture.

Ok, here is the outdoor picture

Upper side a U-04 CREE with throw enhanced reflector, down, T-09. Target is 25 meters away.


Although there is a noticeable difference if you look closely at the overall lighting, it is less espectacular than into the factory. It seems this flashlight is awesome for distances from 1 to 15 meters.

From a "tactical" point of view, something like this would be really good for "closed environments" . No noticeable hot spot to disturbe your periferal vision, but enough to reach any place within 10-15 meters, a really bright and wide corona to allow you accurate visual information... Blinding...

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OK, here it is. It is a DEAL price, as this lighst are going to be made by myself and are not intended as a industrial (profit) product.

160,00 € // 199 US$. Plus shiiping. (Can be on the 22 € range)

What do you get?

1. 1 T-09 flashlight, which is basically a U-04 / T-04 with this characteristics.

- SSCP7 LED driven at 2800 mA with a step down regulator.
- Moddified 27 mm reflector.
- The body is made from 7075 aloy, and finished as MIL 63576 Type I (is a 40 micra HAIII with teflon penetrated)
- Has momentary and constat switch.
- Waterproof to -200 M.
- 1 Barbocarrier with 4 x CR123 batteries.
- One transport bag.
- One belt holster.
- Will be laser engraved as a special edition with a serial number, and will never make a new run.

Sounds Great Javier
I am Paypal ready
When do you want funds sent? Which paypal addy?
Thanks very much for doing this special run
Hello Javier, interesting...

The new bezel is stainless steel?

BTW This thing will eat batterys too very fast if it's drived at 2800 mA.

Hello Javier, interesting...

The new bezel is stainless steel?

BTW This thing will eat batterys too very fast if it's drived at 2800 mA.


Hello Oscar,

Yes, it does eat batteries like and old xenon incand... but producing four times what a regular BIN selected single chip light does. It has not been created as a "rational" average flashlight. Smallest size, highest output. It is the Formula I, an sports car... If you are afraid of spending money on primary batteries don't buy one, as using it is adictive.One of a kind.

I would love to bring here one sentence from a legendary 80's movie.

"...To eat batteries so fast that would make a billy goat puke. His job was to dispose of enemy darkness. To light, period!"

BTW, no stainless steel.

I have already my T-09 SE ... do you want one? :)
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FYI. I just have been testing this T-09 with some old RCR123's. It seems it workd fine, but I won't expect more than 15-20 minutes runtime continuous. And that is if you can stand the heat generated by the P7...

Seriously talking a U-04/T-04 is probably one of the best host if we think about heatsinking. It has a generous mass of alloy, it is made from one piece and has fins. The "screw-in" system for the light module warrants no air in between, and allows a very large conctact surface to make easire to transfer all that heat. But the light gets warm, even more than warn on continuous use.

I'm going to take some data and will let you know.


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Confirmed, RCR123's work fine.After five minutes the flashlight is like 42-44ºC (if left stand alone, I suppose holding on hand it gets better thermal dissipation). Then it seems temperature gets stabilized, so I think there shouldn't be any problem to hold the light during the whole discharge.
At 8 minutes (RCR123's) battery thermal protection works, and while you can still switch it on for 10-12 seconds or so, they won't allow you more than that. Of course if you allow the temperature to get down it will allow you more runtime. It is not the best battery to play with this light, but will allow you some "free" fun.

I have finished my own T-09 SE, so here you are some pictures.


The LED is correctly centered, but I would like to improve that.


Hope you like them.

I'm about to close this list, so before I start making them I would like to know the pre-order list. Then we can discuss how do you want to make them, what special mods you need. There are options regarding body, finish, tailcap and of course laser engraving.

As it seems they are goiing to be just a few, we can make them really "Custom".

If you are on the pre-order list that does not mean that you are going to buy for sure 99,99%, but please be realistic. I can understand that sometimes there are things we were no expecting , i can understand that.

Nobody will pay a penny before the day they are sent to laser engraving. Once decided what do you want it takes two labour days to make it before they are sent to laser engraving. From laser engraving to shipping will take like 5 labour days. From that point 72 hours to your home by courier express.

Today I will post pictures of the beam configuration option, and the availability of bodies, tailcaps, materials and finish.

OK, as the weather is awful I'm working on this.

I have been checking the hosts I had for this. I thought there are more options, but he only ones which will work on momentary mode with RCR123 batteries are the "long" ones. So if you are interested in this option you can choose have are the 7075 alloy MIL 63576 Type I finish. Color is yellow-green, they are shinny (looks like porcelain) and have some gold reflects. They are REALLY exclusive, but on the other hand they have some small "cons" for the perfectionist, I mean some very minor flaws. This is in fact proof that they are handcrafted. Of course you can handcraft things to be perfect, but they won't cost 160€.

I want to be very clear on this, as they are handmade lights, not regular production. Last time I did not explain this I found someone publishing a very negative review on another forum, and that just before saying me a word. :shakehead

If you don't care about using RCR123's or you don't mind to loose the monentary option with rechargeables, you can choose also black matt and green matt, both 7075 alloy, HAIII Mil. Spec.The green matts have also "twist on" tailcap, not momentary (better for just diving)

So in order to clarify this.

1. I want a truly unique body, with a kind of finish nobody but Barbolight has evev used, a very special body handcrafted from a very short run. I would like to use the light with rechargeable RCR123's on momentary mode.----OPTION 1. 7075MIL 63576 Type I finish "Long body" (it is just 5 mm, but the head is bulkier)

2. I want a real tactical black matt llight, I don't mind about rechargebles, A pocket/belt flashlight that can put on any scenario more than 500 lm during 45-50 minutes. The real winner of any 2xCR123 lights. Perfect finish, and I can mount it on my gun. ----OPTION 2. 7075 MIL 8625 Class II finish "short body"

3. 2. I want specail flashlight, don't mind about being super exclusive, but perfect finish. Green matt is "cool" and not very usual. I don't mind about loosing momentary option with rechargeables. , A pocket/belt flashlight that can put on any scenario more than 500 lm during 45-50 minutes. ----OPTION 3. 7075 MIL 8625 Class I finish "short body"

Production is limited to 10 units, so according to my PM's and this thread:

Zoran:OPTION 1. Throw reflector.
pyromaniac: OPTION 1. Smooth reflector.
Kinlaird: OPTION 1. Throw reflector.
Daylight: OPTION 1. Throw reflector.
Grinsefalle: OPTION 1. Throw reflector.
Toglud:OPTION 1. Smooth reflector..
PoliceScannerMan:OPTION 1. Smooth reflector.
Alex in Germany. OPTION 1. Unknown reflector

If you are listed but you don't want, just let me know. If you are not listed and you wanted one, let me know too.

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