Battery adapter for D ROP?


Newly Enlightened
Jun 11, 2007
I'm looking for a good battery carrier for a 2d ROP that i''m getting ready to build, picked up a 2D mag today and some 2100 Mah NiHms. Now correct me if i'm wrong ,but you can't fit 8xAA's into a un bored 2D body. So where can I find a 6xAA to 2D adapter?

Also I saw a website earlier today posted here that sells cammed aluminum reflectors but I can't seem to find it again, can anyone point me to the right place? Or should I just get one from FiveMega?

Thanks for the help
Copied from another thread:

Low cost version - OK for ROP low:

LITEmania - Surplus Sale *Constant* : Luxeon, K2, Torch and other parts
#16. 3AA to 1D Battery Holder ( series connection ) : 3$ each : unlimited

Or (Not currently available, but keep an eye on the thread):

Higher cost/lower resistance:

fivemega - 9AA/9x14500 to 3D and 6AA/6x14500 to 2D

6AA to 2D $39 for first adapter. Each additional 6AA adapter $38
I'm looking for a good battery carrier for a 2d ROP that i''m getting ready to build, picked up a 2D mag today and some 2100 Mah NiHms. Now correct me if i'm wrong ,but you can't fit 8xAA's into a un bored 2D body. So where can I find a 6xAA to 2D adapter?

Also I saw a website earlier today posted here that sells cammed aluminum reflectors but I can't seem to find it again, can anyone point me to the right place? Or should I just get one from FiveMega?

Thanks for the help

you can get a batt. carrier from Fivemega or from Modamag, but I think that they don't have them in stock. If you can't wait for another run you can make a thread and ask for one adapter and you will sure find one.

you can get a metal reflector from: / contact modamag (I think that they haven't any reflector in stock) or from Fivemega HERE

Good luck with your mod!:twothumbs
The Fivemega reflector is quite popular. You'd probably be happy with it. Don't forget to get a Borofloat window, as well.

If you're doing the ROP Low, the $3 adapters robm pointed out sound like a great bargain. If you're doing a higher-powered mod and you can't find the better holders like Fivmega's or modamag's, you could try soldering your own battery pack. If you're already comfortable with soldering, this could be a good solution. You'd also need a series charger - I think they carry some at
Thanks for the link to the battery pack, however there was a post here that I still can't seem to find that had a link to aluminum cammed reflectors that I could get with light stipple/OP. As far as soldering goes I'm not too comfortable but it looks like I can order a complete stick form for about $20 should I decide to go that route.

On a side note, any idea how much heat a stock mag reflector can take? I was thinking about modifying a few low cost ones with a bulb from radio shack and 6xNiHms to give out as Christmas presents. I wouldn't really want them to have to charge it as a pack, but they would be ok with poping the NiHms out of the charger.

Edit: Found it!! was what I was looking for

Edit again: Camless though
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Alright, so I decided to take a stab ad making my own battery holder and bought some 1xaa holders from radio shack for $.50 a piece and figured i'd wire the up to fit in a D mag. Figured i'd use a alligator clip on the + terminal in the light to ensure good contact, and toward the bottom of the spring to cut down on resistance. Now I don't pretend to know anything about electricity so can someone point me at some wire that will handle 6 or 7 aa's with least resistance? The only wire I have handy is 16 gauge automotive and I think it's much too large.

Thanks in advance