Batuca Battery Cases - where to buy? Do they fit Into Otter/Peli Cases?


Jan 4, 2001
I was wondering if a pair (or just 1) Batuca case would fit into a Pelican or Otter case.... has anyone tried this? Got pics? Thanks!

Re: Batuca Battery Cases, Do They Fit Into Otter/Pelican Cases?

just tested this for ya

a double batuca does fit in a Pelican 1010 just barely BUT you have to remove the rubber lining which means it wont be waterproof. a single batuca fits just fine.

why would you want to do that though? just get a piece of foam, fit it into the case, and make holes the batteries? anyways, there ya go!
Re: Batuca Battery Cases, Do They Fit Into Otter/Pelican Cases?

How would removing the rubber lining make the case no longer waterproof?

The idea is to have something to hold batteries, that I can break down, and put into something smaller as needed.... So, if I need to take them, and put them in something that might get wet, crushed, I use the pelican case, if I just need 4 batts, I take one half of the Batuca's... does that make sense?

What are the dimensions of the 2 Batuca cases together? Thanks.

just tested this for ya

a double batuca does fit in a Pelican 1010 just barely BUT you have to remove the rubber lining which means it wont be waterproof. a single batuca fits just fine.

why would you want to do that though? just get a piece of foam, fit it into the case, and make holes the batteries? anyways, there ya go!
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Re: Batuca Battery Cases, Do They Fit Into Otter/Pelican Cases?

Rubber lining acts as a gasket. You'd have to see one of the cases in person to understand.
Re: Batuca Battery Cases, Do They Fit Into Otter/Pelican Cases?

My 1010 case dose not have a rubber lining, just a foam pad and a o-ring!
Re: Batuca Battery Cases, Do They Fit Into Otter/Pelican Cases?

What are the dimensions of the 2 Batuca cases together? Thanks.

4-1/2" L x 2-3/4" W x 7/8" D. A single Batuca is a tad over 2-1/4" L.
Where To Buy Batuca Battery Cases?

Besides tadgear, where is another place to buy theses cases, they seem to be hard to find, wel, at least in clear! Thanks...

Re: Batuca Battery Cases, Do They Fit Into Otter/Pelican Cases?

Looks like they should fit into a 1010 case... I guess I will just have to get them, and try them in a 1010 case.... Thanks Codeman...


4-1/2" L x 2-3/4" W x 7/8" D. A single Batuca is a tad over 2-1/4" L.
Re: Where To Buy Batuca Battery Cases?

I get mine from - Flavio is great to deal with (plus, there's a CPF special discount; check my sigline for details)
Re: Where To Buy Batuca Battery Cases?

It was not necessary to start a second thread on this. I am merging them.
Re: Where To Buy Batuca Battery Cases?

Not see the Batuca... thanks anyways...

Any discount codes for tadgear?

I get mine from - Flavio is great to deal with (plus, there's a CPF special discount; check my sigline for details)