BC 900 charger - 1 bay seems to overcharge


Newly Enlightened
Dec 2, 2008
Hello all,

I have a BC 900 and one of the bays (far right) consistently charges about 700 or so mah more than the others with same beginning state. Usually the other three are getting 2.1 ah and far right is reading 2.8 ah at the full stage. This is at the 200 mA setting. It seems to work better and 500 and more (better delta-V?).

I like to charge slowly, but is that much extra charging in that one bay harming my batteries?

I apologise for probably messing us mah, ah ma's

I guess I stutter...



My personal feeling, though others will disagree with me on this, is that the 200 mA default charge rate on the BC900 is not a good rate to charge with.

Such a low rate makes it very difficult for the charger to detect with certainty the time to stop charging, and over time as the cells get older there is a risk of them developing a high internal resistance, a voltage depression under load, and a worse risk of being overcharged when the low rate is being used.

Therefore I would suggest using a much higher charging rate such as 700 mA. This will most likely lead to more consistent end of charge detection and will keep the batteries in better condition.

My personal feeling, though others will disagree with me on this, is that the 200 mA default charge rate on the BC900 is not a good rate to charge with.

Such a low rate makes it very difficult for the charger to detect with certainty the time to stop charging, and over time as the cells get older there is a risk of them developing a high internal resistance, a voltage depression under load, and a worse risk of being overcharged when the low rate is being used.

Therefore I would suggest using a much higher charging rate such as 700 mA. This will most likely lead to more consistent end of charge detection and will keep the batteries in better condition.

i'm agree with you, only near brand new batts show a little -dV when charged at C/10, for detect this dV you need a high end charger powered by a SLA battery, cause also the noise for a well stabilized AC power supply can confuse the charger

a low charge rate also cause the growt of crystals in the separator, the best charge current for your batts is in the 1000-2000 range

the BC900 charge always with pulses of 1.9A of intensity, so charge at an average of 200mA mean to prolong the "torture" of this pulses for 12 hours or more...