Beamshots: MN61 vs. 1185 vs. 5761


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 8, 2007
Los Angeles
Canon SD1000
ISO Setting: 100
Lens Aperture: F3.2
Exposure: 1 Second
White Balance: Tungsten
MN61 Host: M6-00 Guardian
1185 Host: M6 Guardian
5761 Host: M4-HA Devastator
TurboHead: Millennium Scalloped
Moon Illumination: 1 Percent
Rangefinder: TruePulse 200
Distance: 75 Yards

Daylight Control (12 PM PDT)

MN61 off 3x17670 | 1185 off 3x17670 | 5761 off 2xIMR18650E

Distance: 65 Yards
MN61 off 3x17670 | 1185 off 3x17670 | 5761 off 2xIMR18650E

ISO Setting: 80
Lens Aperture: F2.8
Exposure: 1/10 Second
Distance: 1.2 Meters
MN61 off 3x17670 | 1185 off 3x17670 | 5761 off 2xIMR18650E

MN61 + FM24 off 3x17670 | 1185 + FM24 off 3x17670 | 5761 + FM24 off 2xIMR18650E

Additional ReferencesImage Processing Notes
1. Minimal unsharp masking (T=75) applied to offset downsizing image blur.
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Re: Beamshots: M4 5761 vs. M6 1185

I love beamshots. Especially 5761 vs. 1185 bulbs (since I have those:naughty:)

nice work!
Re: Beamshots: M4 5761 vs. M6 1185

Very good comparisons, Adam. The MN61 is almost up there with the other 2 - just shows how hard it is being driven on 3x Li-Ions, and not surprising the bulb life is short.

The 5761 is visibly brighter than the 1185 here. I've previously found them difficult to distinguish, so you picked a great target for these shots.
Re: Beamshots: M4 5761 vs. M6 1185

Very good comparisons, Adam. The MN61 is almost up there with the other 2 - just shows how hard it is being driven on 3x Li-Ions, and not surprising the bulb life is short.

The 5761 is visibly brighter than the 1185 here. I've previously found them difficult to distinguish, so you picked a great target for these shots.
Check out the link in my sig for beamshot comparisons between 1185 and 5761. 5761 produces more overall output, but the 1185 has a more compact filament, which produces more throw. Depending on the distance to the target in the beam shot, one can be made to look brighter than the other.

Right now I'm actually trying to standardize most of my incan lights to use the 5761, so I only need to stock up on one kind of spare. (In case you weren't paying attention that means I'm so spoiled that I now consider >1000 torch lumens "normal")

I have one in a 2D with a 5Ah LiIo pack and stippled reflector to serve as a portable "work" light. The lower outputs make the 5761 feasible for longer-duration use without overheating, yet still reserving the option for bursts of higher output.

I also have a 2C mag with a SMO reflector as a pocket thrower. That's actually an EDC of mine in my backpack, with the tailspring removed. I plan to eventually cut and rethread that one for even easier portability.
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Re: Beamshots: M4 5761 vs. M6 1185

Thanks for these beamshots. I have to order a WA1185 since my BiPin socket is on its way!:twothumbs
Re: Beamshots: M4 5761 vs. M6 1185

Nice beam shots, thanks for the effort. I am a fan of two cell Incan lights and am happy to see that I can get good output and run time from my 2x D Maglite with 5761, 2x KD D Li-ion cells, AW three level start switch and other usual standard modifications. In a light this size, I don't think that there is a great deal of advantage in going with a three Li-ion cell/bulb combination......and I agree, the 5761 is more of a floody bulb than a pure excellent overall bulb.
Great job Adam...I just now bumped into this thread. Your beamshots have proven to be very useful and helpful. I'll bet the 5761 on 2 X C cells would really be great too....nice and white I mean with the extra capacity. If FM ever makes the 19mm extension kit again I think I'll do one.
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Great job Adam...I just now bumped into this thread. Your beamshots have proven to be very useful and helpful. I'll be the 5761 on 2 X C cells would really be great too....nice and white I mean with the extra capacity. If FM ever makes the 19mm extension kit again I think I'll do one.
In the 2C you can get away without an extension if you use a dremel to thin out the switch assembly -- both on the bottom (where the battery connects to the switch) and on the top (where the switch seats against the retainer ring) as much as possible, then cut down and compress the tail spring.
In the 2C you can get away without an extension if you use a dremel to thin out the switch assembly -- both on the bottom (where the battery connects to the switch) and on the top (where the switch seats against the retainer ring) as much as possible, then cut down and compress the tail spring.

I saw some good pictures of that mod recently too. Maybe it was in the M6 thread..not sure. Buy yeah, I suppose that I like the reversibility of the extension more than the idea of grinding on my M6. That said, it is just a tail cap mod and I'd be halfway willing if I could order another from Surefire. I don't know if they'll sell M6 tail caps though. Would you know Trin?