bedside flashlight

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Oct 6, 2005
I have a 9v Hummer LED light that is magnetized to the bed frame. It was my fastest light to access when I was on my bed during the 10-12 second blackout just days ago.

Saying what light you have is good but WHERE do you keep your bed light?
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Re: Do you keep a flashlight near the bed?

I actually have about a half dozen near the bed in a cabinet. Just one of those places where they tend to accumulate, like the workshop.

Re: Do you keep a flashlight near the bed?

On my side of the bed-
2C Mag/3xCR123/KPR112
Streamlight TL-3 Xenon

On my wife's side of the bed-
3C Mag w/ Lux (modded by 3rd_Shift)
Re: Do you keep a flashlight near the bed?

Yes, I have a SF M6 on the night stand.
Re: Do you keep a flashlight near the bed?

SL Scorpion for things that go bump in the night
SF L1 used in the low mode for doing things in the bedroom/bathroom without ruining my night vision or waking anyone up
SL headlamp for reading in bed without waking up my wife
Re: Do you keep a flashlight near the bed?

I probably have 10 lights on my side of the bed.... most of them are cheap coin cell lights from countycomm. I most often grab my mag solitaire with a 3mm led in it, and a AAA sized li-ion. I get up before the sun comes up yearround so I need something, but don't want it to be too bright b/c my wife sleeps in yearround. The minimag - 3mm led that I have produces the whitest light I've ever seen from a regular (not luxeon) led ... I don't know where I got it, but I love it. It produces a beautifully even white beam with no hotspot (all flood)... makes not tripping over the stuff that is laying on the floor very attainable.

If there is a weird noise, or I need to check something out, i keep my also MiniMag Hotwire there too. I actually made a squrell fall out of the tree by my bedroom window when I flashed that sucker in his eyes.
Re: Do you keep a flashlight near the bed?

There should be a choice called: On the floor after you knocked it down from the nightstand because your are blind without glasses in the dark.

Re: Do you keep a flashlight near the bed?

On bedside cabinet.
So many my book and glasses have to go on top of a corner to corner layer of torches.
My wife also has about six on her side!!

I like to think that we are just messy but I think the problem is MUCH deeper than that! it wrong to still have the buffalo bill hats we got from disneyland five years ago??? Just a thought...
Re: Do you keep a flashlight near the bed?

I keep a SF U2 on my nightstand because I get up before dawn and the low light setting on the U2 is easy on my night eyes. By the time I wander into the kitchen and turn on the espresso maker I am ready for conventional lighting.
Re: Do you keep a flashlight near the bed?

I keep virtually all my lights in/on my nightstand (that's pretty much where I store them). The only ones I don't have there are my keychain and car lights.
SL TL-2 in nightstand drawer for bumps in the night. Soon to be joined by a TL-3.
SL Scorpion LED also in nightstand drawer.
Q3 and V2 on top of nightstand for various tasks and my personal carry lights I pick up in the morning b4 heading to work.
Xnova 8LED and TM-313X for lower light navigation w/o waking up the misses.
Re: Do you keep a flashlight near the bed?

Kind of on the floor on my side of the bed, where my hand naturally falls if I reach out of bed, but not on the bedside table, because if it got knocked off, I would waste time feeling around on the floor for it. Yes, I know I could fit Tritium locators, but I haven't got round to it yet.

Lights; In house lilght- Surefire L1,
In my work 'lights bag' - Surefire M3, M4, Krill light, sometimes others too. Oh yeah..... 3 Surefire Spares Carriers, so there's 18 lithiums, minimum in there too !
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Re: Do you keep a flashlight near the bed?

SF 9P with P91 on the nightstand
Pak-lite with glow in the dark head on nightstand
Roar of the Pelican in 6C body on the floor next to nightstand
Usually place my Fenix L1P on the nightstand and use it 95% of the time if I need a light.

HK P7M8 in safebox under the bed...
Re: Do you keep a flashlight near the bed?

Ive never seen the Flashlight fairy, but that doesn't mean that she doesnt exist!!!
LOOK she is bringing me a M6 !!!! i love you flashlight fairy!


Re: Do you keep a flashlight near the bed?

I always wear a photon freedom on a necklace. Larger lights are only a few feet from the bed.
Re: Do you keep a flashlight near the bed?

A modded AAA Minimag lays on the table next to me, an SF 6P, an MXDL 3 Watt, and a AA Minimag in the drawer next to my .45 ACP
Re: Do you keep a flashlight near the bed?

I store most of the torches which I don't EDC on or in my nightstand.
The 700L and Osram Golden dragon lantern are on the nightstand on my side of the bed, the SF 8X on my girlfriends side. A photon clone on a necklace is under my pillow.

The exceptions are the TM-116 which I keep in my office, the Glo-Toob FX on my backpack, the SF G2 which stays in my jacket, the QIII in its kydex holster on my belt and the L0P in the RF pocket of my pants.
I carry my Raw NS on a bead chain around my neck during daytime and put it on the nightstand during the night.
Re: Do you keep a flashlight near the bed?

I have the translucent film canister lamp someone posted a while ago cept with an Infinity Ultra instead of an Arc AAA. I leave this on all night so that I can find my glasses and SL PP 4AA Lux, Surefire G2, or Minimag w/opalec newbeam that are standing next to it.
Re: Do you keep a flashlight near the bed?

I keep a Surefire C3 w/ P90 on the nightstand along w/ an Inova X1. The X1 is for general use walking around at night and for finding the remote. The C3 there if i really need to see whats going on.
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