I still like my MVP Lumapower above most of the others. So far most of the newer lights don't out shine it much. 200l is pretty weak at that level... now the RRT3 will probably have enough output at 1,200l to truly dethrone my MVP, but so far it has done very well against everything I've tested it against.
I guess what I'm saying is "best" is not something you are going to know till you have one in your hand. In terms of pure Min/Maxing there are better lights, but I like the whole package with the MVP, looks, run time, balance of flood & throw & the twin button design for mode selection. It's not as good as the newer ring selection switch on the new JetBeam RRT line, but it's still pretty dam good.
If I hand any advice I would simply say to stick with the ones that have multi modes & the ability to change said modes EASILY. That means a double clicky, or a selector ring. It's not half as comfortable to change modes on a single clicky light like the Catapult. That dose not make them bad lights, but for me I greatly prefer a light that allows me to change modes quickly & easily.