best <=50$ thrower with one 18650


Newly Enlightened
Nov 20, 2008
Hello nice people. I am visiting this forum for a while, but posting for the very first time.
I have Fenix L1D Q5 Premium and I am very happy with. It is my EDC flashlight. It throws light very far for a 1xAA battery flashlight. Then I bought MTE SSC P7 C-Bin 900-Lumen 8-Mode LED Flashlight (1*18650) (DX sku.13060). This light is very very bright, but I am a little disappointed. First of all I was thinking that this 8 modes would be cool... believe me it is not! The half of it are very useless for me. After that it turns out that it is not a good thrower. Please do not get me wrong the light goes very far and spill is big, but I want a little bit more "laser-style" thrower. I would like a flashlight with a very distinguished bright circle in the center and very very small spill. I am not sure I have explained this very well and I am just giving you the video which inspired me for buying such light:

Can someone please point me out some good flashlight with similar capabilities. I have two conditions: 1. one 18650 battery and 2. the flashlight should be available at DX.
Sorry if I am braking forums rules.
13268 - DBS copy
16537 - probably the best but also probably unregulated
"Uniquefire"? They must be runnning out of names! :crackup:
Yea they could be more creative, the same light seems to be on the market under various names,the light however is no laughing matter,for a $50 light its remarkable,and i do know the quality of these lights could vary significantly from light to light.
:crazy: naming never has been their strong point what happend to powerful names like HellFire, Hurricane, Sniper, Inferno? How about even something remotely related to light, SolarFlare, LucyLumen, LightHawk, StarPower, PhotonSmasher, PhotonRadiator....

Oh wait they have not used TitaniumFire yet... :paypal:
Do a search for Uniquefire HS-801,its under $50 and uses 18650.And its a thrower.

DX sku:16537... Looks like a serviceable light:
deep-smooth reflector
sufficient heat sinking
Emitter mounted to the body

should be a serviceable budget thrower.

They have to stop cloning the name though, or just leave Hwa/wys on the side by itself.
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Thank you for all of you!
I think my choice is HS-802.
Now I have a theoretical question: what is the most important thing for the good thrower? The reflector with bigger diameter, the deeper reflector, the LED or the driver?
Thank you.
Thank you for all of you!
I think my choice is HS-802.
Now I have a theoretical question: what is the most important thing for the good thrower? The reflector with bigger diameter, the deeper reflector, the LED or the driver?
Thank you.

You need all of those things and more.

A large diameter reflector will make a small spot. A deep reflector will reduce spill but increase spot intensity but its not just the depth of a reflector that is important for spot intensity, its the ratio of depth to diameter, the more depth per unit of diameter the more intense the spot. The last of the three is the obvious one you need lots of power, the cheap chinese lights tend to have good sized reflectors but not good regulation and don't run the LED as hard as a Dereelight DBS for example so can't beat it on throw.

You also need a coated / non-reflective lens so the light you make comes out of the front of the torch. The reflector must be well designed and made to decent precision, the LED must be correctly placed relative to the reflector too. The pill on a DBS screws into the rear of the reflector so as a consequence is always in the correct place relative to it.
You need all of those things and more.
Nice summary! :twothumbs

A real thrower is going to cost $80 or more. You should be able to get your hands on a Tiablo A9 for around $80 because they were discontinued. A current model DBS or Raidfire Spear will cost you around $140.

Now... for $50, we can point you at a light that throws similar to what you see, but it probably isn't designed for throw and it's almost dumb luck that the thing throws as well as it does. :shrug: (+1 for real world performance.)
I wonder if the SG-900 / Uniquefire HS-802 can take a P7 Led, The deep reflector might be able to make a decent thrower out of it, anyone has it and could take pictures of the led base to see if it fits?

I wonder if the SG-900 / Uniquefire HS-802 can take a P7 Led, The deep reflector might be able to make a decent thrower out of it, anyone has it and could take pictures of the led base to see if it fits?

You have to drill out (enlarge) the base of the reflector to fit the P7,i have tried it and it does not make a good thrower but sure puts out a lot of usable light and am quite happy with it.
Here is a photo of the HS 801 and HS802 reflectors which are the same,and the P7 being mounted.
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It won't throw well and there will be many artifacts. Most current reflectors are designed to Cree XR-E. P7 or MC-E have completely different beam pattern and they do not work well in deep Cree reflectors.