best budget light for aspheric mod?


Aug 26, 2007
Hi, I'm looking to make a thrower with aspheric lense and I'm wondering which light to get.

Now, I'm using a DX super thrower modded with a q5 at 1.6amps and its quite powerful, so the resulting light would have to be more powerful than this, and Ok quality body (VB-16, Solarforce, almost fenix)

Any ideas?

Maglite is not budget in Australia.
A standard mag can cost >$50 thus looking for other options.

I was just going to say Mag until I read your last post.

:eek: $50 for a mag?!! Here, you can get a 3D and 2A combo pack with batteries and a holster for $19.49 at Costco.
Actually, I've seen that one before, and it looks great, the only problem is it's VERY difficult to find the lens. so here i am still on the search.
Have you looked around at car wreckers? You could just find out what cars use projection headlights and then go find some lenses. I might actually do that this weekend :)