Best defensive type flashlight?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 1, 2008
Hi all,

I'm wondering if anyone can point me to a list of defensive flashlights or make any recommendations? By defensive, I mean scalloped head, or just simply big and weighty enough to be used as a baton but easy to carry too? LED is a must, and I'm leaning towards non-123A powered units, but don't want to totally dismiss them.

I only ask as my partner has a new job that requires walking through some unsavory places, often at night. She has training in the use of kubotans through a womens SD class, so she feels most comfortable with these techniques.

I have an old Surefire E2D but there is a fault somewhere and would prefer a brighter light. I've seen the price of the LED upgrade, but I'm sure a whole new light can be found for less. Also, are there any 3rd party drop in LED's for it, as I've so far failed to find any?

Thanks in advance! :D
Although you are looking for a light with bite my Fenix p3d q5 is wonderfully sized--here is a picture-- but also for this size has a 215 lumen punch and strobe to disorientate the attacker. It also has a low medium and high mode and sos with 12, 53, and 120 lumens respectively. I just love it. Also check out the l2d q5 with 180 lumens max using just 2 AA's! It also has a strobe. If you don't mind going a little bigger check out the Fenix Tk10 or Tk11 they have a 60 lumen low setting and a 225 lumen high setting and they also have a momentary on tactical and grip ring.
P3d q5

Check out the website http://

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Thanks, I appreciate the replies :)

The strobe function on the P3D sounds interesting. Do you happen to know how fast the strobe is? Anything over 5Hz would be brilliant with that amount of light output!

The Malkoff 6P sounds very nice, but I'm after something a bit cheaper as I'm in the UK and paying super premium prices for everything. Plus, this niggling problem with my E2D Defender has left me a little wary of Surefires.
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Well, you really left the door wide open to almost anybodies interpretation, but I'm going to say that it's pretty hard to beat the Surefire E2DL for an everyday defensive carry light. You can go larger but the price get restrictive fairly quickly. The Surefire M3 and M6 are also a couple of my favorites.

At one time, OpticsHQ was selling an after market LED head but I didn't see them on their site anymore. They were around $70 but they suffered from quality issues. The E2DL is about $135 for the whole light. I would go that why myself. It's very bright and throwy.
I like the price of the p3d q5 $67.50 from fenixstore and free worldwide shipping!!:twothumbs Also the l2d q5 is $62.50.
Check out the T100 from Tigerlight, LED plus OC is a nice little package. Also, remember that strobe, strike bezels and even OC in a flashlight is nice but is not a defense to anything.

If a determined attacker wants to get you, strike bezels and strobe is not going to sway an attacker. The odds of the everyday civilian being able to land a strike that will do damage while in a high stress situation is slim with a light that has a strike bezel.

Even with the OC on the TL, it sounds good and has a higher probability of striking the attacker when it counts, but people in general are not always on alert and to access the tools your carry and then deploy them in the manner in which they should be deployed in a stressful situation is low.

Just something to think about and with the options that are out there today the TL has a higher probability of actually doing something. Most will not want the TL because if it gets taken away by the attacker then your SOL and now your even in worse doo, doo.

DISREGARD YOUR IN THE UK......................
Yes, although OC would be very nice, I'm not allowed to have it! :mecry:

I'm sure I already know the answer but I'll bring it up anyway. Theres lots of copies of high end lights on eBay that come from Japan. The copy of the Surefire Devastator looks perfect, but is it a false economy?

SpiderFire brands show up often:

I usually avoid copies or products from little known brands, but there seems to be excellent feedback on these. I do love the style and shape of that devastator!
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Wolf Eyes makes a very nice light that's built like a tank. The Defender, with an R2 2 mode Tactical drop in. I have the Sniper which is the same light except without the crenulated bezel. It's a nice feeling hefty light in the hands. It has nice throw with great side spill. The strobe also is quite annoying and it would very effective in buying you a few seconds against your attacker. I think they are very competitive with Surefire for a cheaper price.

Good luck,
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Forget about using a flashlight for civilian defensive purposes, especially by a woman. It is great she is familiar with kubaton techniques, but they require being up close and very physically involved with the attacker... they are more useful for handcuffing control or corrections pain compliance use. Kubaton techniques are for temporary control, and without cuffs, advanced expertise, and regular practice they can be very dangerous, especially by a lone civilian with no backup available.

As mentioned before, a big heavy flashlight is even more dangerous because it can be taken away easily and used with deadly results against you. It will also require repeated, well placed, and possibly deadly blows to be effective. Forget about strobes for defense too.

Use any flashlight you want for lighting purposes only, but for non-lethal self defense, extremely powerful OC formulas like Fox 5.3 are available in various spray patterns, have a range of 10-15 feet, and can also be used against multiple attackers. In the unlikely event they get any closer after being sprayed in the face with that, a well placed drop kick will seal the deal.
Thanks for the wolf eyes suggestion djans, i'll look in to those.

Sabre, as stated above, theres no oc allowed here unfortunately!
Cheapest way to go would be a Solarforce L2 host w/ Solarforce R2 drop-in. Only downside is that it comes with a reverse-clickie.
Just been looking at solarforce items and seen that they are the same as spiderfires. With the reputation they seem to have, it makes the devastator clone inc batteries, charger and holster on ebay look like a great deal!

Up to now, this seems perfect!
I've got an L2D Q5 (under £50), brought it here in the UK at:

Uses standard AA's (alkaline or actually likes rechargables even better!). It has a strobe but personally i'd just use the turbo mode on it. This thing is bright (approx 185 lumens). Only about the same size as a minimag. I've shone this at a few people in low light situations and they instinctively cower and cover their eyes. It also throws pretty well for such a small light.

You can also buy a P2D body (for a few quid) for it and use it with 1xCR123 batt as well. Good idea for the ladies (or men) who want something really compact (i mean this is small!) that will fit in a purse or pocket easily. Same output as the L2D. Here's some useful reviews (although these are the older Cree units, they are all even brighter now):
The P3D would be good as well, if you don't mind using CR123's.

Personally i'd be cautious about using strike bezels in the UK. Even Kubatons (simple rods of wood few inches long used to strike) are illegal here. If you carry around something that looks aggressive you're going to have to justify its use. If the police thinks its a weapon (which really its designed to be) then you could be charged. You may be interested in this vid about self defense though, all of which is legal here (but the guys in this are all highly trained):
Thanks for the wolf eyes suggestion djans, i'll look in to those.

Sabre, as stated above, theres no oc allowed here unfortunately!

I would take my chances with carrying it illegally since just about everything else for self defense is illegal there too, including bashing in heads with a flashlight. Strike bezels can be seen as having little use other than as a weapon too.

OC is legal in all of the US, but buying it is restricted in some areas like NYC and DC. In the UK, you might be able to buy it at Polimil. Courts everywhere are likely to be lenient on a female who legitimately uses it in self defense, whether it is allowed or not, and a fine would still be better than killing someone, or worse, being killed.

If one is determined to confront and fight attackers with a weapon and try out some civilian self defense class moves, discretely carrying a knife (also probably illegal) of some sort would be a better choice than trying to beat them up with a flashlight, stun them with a strobe, or using a Kubaton. If the self defense class instructor is encouraging women to fight attackers with flashlights, strobes, and Kubatons, it would be a good idea to get a refund.

The best choices of all would be to avoid bad areas entirely, be aware of surroundings and walk in groups. Good luck!
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I'd probably go with a wolf-eyes defender-II if you can afford it and want a strike bezel. The truth is that don't really think that carrying any sort of flashlight for defense is a good idea, though I do understand that as a last ditch defense it's better than nothing. In my experience, avoidance is the best defensive strategy.

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