Best light for single 18650 protected batteries


Oct 4, 2007
I just realized that I have like 6 protected 18650s (Orbtronic and Nitecore) sitting around with no light to use them in. I sold the lights I used to use them in (several Nitecores). All my 18650 lights are either Olights or Zebralights. I'm pretty sure the Olights all take their own proprietary batteries and would not be compatible with other brands. The Zebralights only take flat top unprotected 18650s. The only light I have that could take 18650s would be my Malkoff MD2 on my rifle.

So I am wondering what are your favorite 18650 lights that would take normal protected single 18650s?
Elzetta Bones

Malkoff MD2 or Malkoff E-18650

Sky Lumen XVII with a single SST20 emitter

Above not in any order. Any of those 3 are excellent and are obtainable.

A cheaper and different option is to order a KDLitker P6 18650 and the P60 drop-in of your choice. Ebay has the host for $14.
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My ZL 62 takes both protected and unprotected cells, including Orbtronic. The 62 is a phenomenal light due to its ability to handle varied cells, and its light output is very strong as well. Great light.
Not necessarily the best light but I measured a USB 18650 cell from my Wowtac A2S and it is about the same length of the Orbtronic protected cell listed so lights that support USB 18650 cells may all work with them apart from maybe needing a button top cell.
I just tried it in another light I have, a Sofirn SP32 V2 flashlight that takes a button top and it was a tighter fit but worked ok. It has springs on top and bottom of battery so likely it would work fine with a flat top too.
Maybe I just need to get rid of all those button top protected 18650 batteries, I see no more use for them in anything I own. I just got a convoy s2+ and found that the flat top unprotected Sanyo NCR18650GA fits much better than the protected 18650s which are very tight when trying to put the cap on.

Are flashlights in general all moving away from using protected button top 18650s? It seems like many companies now are either taking the shorter unprotected flat tops, or moving towards using 21700 batteries...
I would keep them you are bound to find something that will fit them sooner or later Lights with dual springs (top and bottom) are likely to have more space to fit a battery than those with one spring usually on the bottom. If desperate you could tear out the protection and rewrap them to make the batteries shorter.
I guess I'm a fanboy, but my vote is for the Sorfirn SC31 Pro. Good spring contacts at both ends of the battery compartment and a great feature set besides. Cheap too, $21.99 on the Sofirn Store without a battery and free shipping in 2-3 weeks. A really solid light and you can add a magnetic tail cap for $1.69. My protected cells fit fine. Anduril, 2000 lumens and an illuminated side switch.
I use protected button top 18650's in 2-3 C and D cell Mags in 3D printed adapters.