Best Low Discharge NiMH's?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 29, 2006
I find myself in need of some new rechargeable batteries. It's been quite a while since I have purchased any, and I'm wondering what the latest and greatest AA's and AAA's are?
Is there a concensus these days on quality low discharge NiMH's?
Thank you.
Well, it seems like there are a lot of Sanyo employees on the board ;)
Seriously, thanks for the replies. My only experience with these low discharge batteries are with the Eneloops, and I have been quite pleased.
I was just wondering if some new and better technology had come down the pike in the interim.
Off to find myself some Eneloops on sale. Thanks, gents!
I was just wondering if some new and better technology had come down the pike in the interim.
Nope, Eneloops continue to be the benchmark LSD NiMh cells.

Will that continue after Sanyo sells the factory that makes the Eneloops to Fujitsu....only time will tell.
For two or three thousand more responses about LSD NiMh's do a google, cpf only search, at the top of every CPF page. Write in LSD, or low self discharge, or now that you know about the Eneloops, write in Eneloop(s). :D

Im my country all I could find were Recyko and older Uniross cells that are Eneloop clones if not pure rebrands.

The newer Uniross LSD's are crap but I am happy with the two options I have above.
got some Eneloops and Uniross Hybrio early this year (or was it late last one?),
both work very good,
the Hybrios generally showing higher mAh data when my charger does the discharge cycle
(something about 100-200 mAh)

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